New and Improved Features
Product Level change
- PMP-56560 - Introduce a system view in home page as "Audit Dashboard"
PMP-57260 - Ability to select Question/Action item attachments in the Audit report
- PMP-64872 - Add the questionnaire completion status flag to the Audit program list
- PMP-64576 - Deprecate Dynamic Dashboard
- PMP-64579 - Site Walk - deprecating Site Walk module67896 - Design change for reload protocol - Program Results and Program Summary screens to be in sync with the questionnaire
- PMP-67892 - Guide note Icon to be shown only if there is text updated to that question
- PMP-67890 - Correct the usability issue related to "Ignore" responses type for questions
- None
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67896 - Design change for reload protocol - Program Results and Program Summary screens to be in sync with the questionnaire
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have a dedicated view that shows quick statistics related to audits
Purpose: Create audit statistics system view Purpose: C
Enhanced System:
- Has system view for Audits module showing quick statistics.
Impacts: No Impact
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67892 - Guide note Icon to be shown only if there is text updated to that question
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't show action items summary and attachments.
Purpose: To improve usability of the report .
Enhanced System:
- Make the entire report consistent in displaying images.
Impacts: No Impact
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User has to select the lead auditors and team members after creating the audit.
- To setup an audit easily.
Enhanced System:
Provide lead auditors selection for landed location.
Default lead auditor to logged in user.
Provide audit team members selection for landed location.
In Lead Auditors tab, the selections made in basic details section will carry.
This option is available for Basic/Advanced/Template Audits.
Impacts: Mobile.
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- We doesn't have a identifier to show the questionnaire completion status.
Purpose: To improve the usability of the system.
Enhanced System:
- Complete/Incomplete icon would be shown on the Audits list screen which clearly indicates which audit questionnaire status.
- We show the questions count on hover.
- For a department audit, it shows the cumulative count of all departments for that location.
- Also, on clicking the Program hyperlink, user would directly land to the questionnaire screen.
Impacts: None
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't have any column which shows audit created by.
Purpose: Provide easy access to "My Audits"
Enhanced System:
- New column "Created By" is introduced in the available columns for Audits list screen.
- Also, a new view "My Audits" is introduced which shows all the audits where logged in user is the Lead Auditor.
Impacts: None.
My Audits View:
67890 - Correct the usability issue related to "Ignore" responses type for questions
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't have this widget available.
- Enhance the usability.
Enhanced System:
On Clicking on any bar the user would be directed to the manage findings list with Month,Year filter applied.
Impacts: None
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't have this widget available.
- Enhance the usability.
Enhanced System:
This widget would display Total Repeat Findings count by month.
It would consider the Finding create date to group the data by month.
On Clicking on any bar the user would be directed to the manage findings list with selected date filters and repeat finding = "Yes".
Impacts: None
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't have this widget available.
- Enhance the usability.
Enhanced System:
This widget would display On Time Closed Findings count by month.
It would consider the Finding closed date to group the data by month.
- On Clicking on any bar the user would be directed to the manage findings list with selected date filters, Finding Status = Closed and closed before due date.
- Example: Finding Created date: Aug 8th, 2019, Finding Due date: Sept 2nd, 2019, Finding Closed date : Sept 1st, 2019 - It would be considered as on time closure and would be shown in the month of Sep.
Impacts: None
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Restrict Action Item Creation For Closed Findings
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Currently, we are able to create an action item irrespective of finding status.
- Enhance the usability.
Enhanced System:
User wouldn't get any option to get create an action item if the finding status is "Closed".
This is applicable for Findings and Read Across Findings and even from Findings Import.
Impacts: Mobile: No Impact.