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Once an Action Item is completed the user , users can update the completion calendar details on mobile. Users can navigate to the complete section and complete the following fields:

Step-by-step Instructions


Changing the Action Item status to Closed:


To complete these instructions, the following must be true: 

  • The create section must be complete (if user is planning to mark the action item as closed while creating). 
  • The user is continuing from an existing action item.  (Refer to Managing Calendar Action Items for additional information).   

  1. Select Action Item Status – toggle from Open to Closed  Closed 
  2. Enter the Action Taken.
  3. Select who the Action Item was completed by, the system will default to the user updating the details.
  4. Indicate the Action Item Completed Date, the system will default to the current date
  5. Users will need to click on the Check Mark located in the upper right corner to Save.
