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New and Improved Features



Technical Changes



  • Configure a formula for controls: Numeric, Date, Time and Textbox. 
  • Here are the list of supported formulas By-Control: 
    1. Numeric:

      1. Difference of two time fields - Output format: Numeric (In Minutes)
      2. Difference of two date fields - Output format: Numeric (In Days)
      3. Support evaluating expression with (+,-,*, /) and braces"()". Ex: ((F1+F2) /F3)* 100
    2. Time:

      1. Time field + Number of Minutes (integer) - Output format: Time

      2. Time field - Number of Minutes (integer) - Output format: Time

    3. Date:
      1. Date field + Number of Days (integer) -Output format: Date
      2. Date field - Number of Days (integer) - Output format: Date
      3. Date field +- Numeric Field (Format: Integer) - Output format: Date
    4. Textbox:
      1. Day of the week (Monday, Tuesday...) - Textbox Control
      2. Day of the month (Day1, Day2, Day3...) - Textbox Control
      3. Day of the Year (Day1, Day2, Day3...) - Textbox Control
      4. Week of the Year (Week1, Week2, Week3...) - Textbox Control
      5. Month (January, February...) - Textbox Control
      6. Year (2018, 2019...) - Textbox Control
  • Formula can be set for controls in the repeater section. 
  • User would be able to set formula for Maximum and Minimum values. 
  • User will be able to set action conditions based on formula values. 
  • If any control is removed from a formula, it will show in strike-out mode. 
  • If the formula is modified, existing data will not be disturbed. Value will be calculated based on new formula for records created thereafter. 

Impacts on existing forms: None

Available in Mobile: Yes

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 DAP-3897 - Introduce Signature Capture Ability in Web


Impacts on existing forms:  No impact. 

Available in Mobile: Yes

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DAP-3829 Display Guide Note Icon in Web


Impacts on existing forms: No impact

Available in Mobile: Yes

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DAP-4015 - New "UsersbyGroup" System DataSource (Corporate + Site + Current Location)


Impacts on existing forms: No impact. 

Available in Mobile: Yes

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DAP-3886 - Changes to App Widget with Options "Modify," "List" and "New"


  • On hover, user would be able to see all options for each app - "Modify," "List" and "New" based on his form permissions. 
  • On, click he would be able to navigate to respective screens. 

Impacts: None

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 MP-6372 - Support App Builder in Android Native Mobile Pro App 

Existing SystemWe currently support a web-view for android. 

Purpose: Improve the usability

Enhanced System: User would be able to:

  • Access all apps in native version of android. 
  • Users would now be able to access key features like Signature, QR Scan and offline support. 
  • However, there would be few UI gaps (when compared to iOS app) which are listed below:
    1. Record Count for each app in mobile "Home" screen
    2. Enable save options to select either Card or List view on "Home" screen
    3. Landing Page for Apps in Mobile
    4. Summary Page for each record.
    5. Two-column display support mobile list view. 
    6. Toggle button style changes in the form details
    7. A pronounced section separator in the form details
    8. Show progression bar in form details
    9. Show "Guide Note" for a field in form details
    10. Color coding for Segmented control in form details
    11. Showing icons for fields in form details
    12. Strikeout support for Inactive lookups in the list screen and show as disabled in the form details

Impacts on existing forms:  No impact. 

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 DAP-3897 - Introduce Signature Capture Ability in Web

Existing SystemWe currently support this feature only on Mobile

Purpose: Ability to capture user signature

Enhanced System: User would be able to:

  • Add his signature in the field using stylus or mouse pad from web. 
  • Only one signature can be captured per control. 

Impacts on existing forms:  No impact. 

Available in Mobile: Yes

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DAP-3811 - Enable New Persistence Feature


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DAP-3804 - Performance Improvement - Home Page, Details, List Screens, PDF and Excel Exports 

Existing System: We are facing issues with performance on few forms.  


Impacts on existing forms: No impact

Available in Mobile: Yes

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DAP-3755 - Configure a system default mobile summary with top five fields


  • Action Item ID to uniquely identify an action item. Sample format is: US-WESTLAKE-2020-APP-10001 
  • Enable department field which would be non-mandatory 
  • Enable Asset field which would be non-mandatory 
