New and Improved Features
Product Level
PMP-61266 Inactive/withdrawn employees allow to add soap notes
PMP-49726 Introduce new filter "Employee Name" in Appointment Central
Customer Specific
PMP-56462 As a end user should not be able to toggle in Spirometry Q&A section
PMP-71231 Hide Characteristics field in Vital configurationally
PMP-71114 Add more fields to Vitals Encounter-show/hide configurable
PMP-71113 Occupational Health Blood Glucose - Look up change request
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: system will allow to add soap notes for inactive and withdrawn employee
Existing System:
- System doesnt allow to add soap notes for inactive and withdrawn employee
- Allows to add for active employees only
- In Manage SOAP notes > Add , it add active employee only
- System would allow to add soap notes for inactive and withdrawn employee in Employee Medical Profile and Manage Soap notes
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Employee medical profile , Encounter type ,Manage SOAP notes , SOAP notes Reports and Cognos
Manage SOAP notes > Add
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Employee Name search field will appear in Appointment Central
Existing System:
- No field to search by Employee Name in Appointment Central
- New field to search by Employee Name
- This would be text search
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NACustomer Specific ,
Yes = Questionnare enabled and toggle turned off
No = No change to existing system
- Title: NATurnOffToggle
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will show warning message during double booking of Healthcare Provider's Appointment No
Existing System:
- Spirometry Q&A toggle is turned off by default
- Customer need this section to be filled up for spirometry
Enhanced System:
- When a Healthcare Provider (HCP) is selected, the system checks if other appointments are scheduled for the HCP user in that same time or there is any overlapping time slot of an existing appointment at any locationSpirometry Q&A toggle is turned on by default configurationally
- Existing Data: turned on by default
- Impacts: NA
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71114 Hide Characteristics field in Vital configurationally
Configurable: NA Customer specific
- Title: NADB configurable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will show warning message during double booking of Healthcare Provider's Appointment characteristic field will appear
Existing System:
- Characteristic field in vital appears by default
- Customer doesnt require this field to be entered
Enhanced System:
- When a Healthcare Provider (HCP) is selected, the system checks if other appointments are scheduled for the HCP user in that same time or there is any overlapping time slot of an existing appointment at any locationCharacteristics field will be hidden configurationally
- Existing Data: will hide characteristic field
- Impacts: NA
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71231 Add more fields to Vitals Encounter-show/hide configurable
Customer Specific
- Title: NADB configurable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will show warning message during double booking of Healthcare Provider's Appointment New fields will not appear
Existing System:
- No dependent fields on selecting Work related as No
- Customer would need additional fields in Vital
Enhanced System:
- When a Healthcare Provider (HCP) is selected, the system checks if other appointments are scheduled for the HCP user in that same time or there is any overlapping time slot of an existing appointment at any location
- Existing Data:
- New fields to appear configurationally on selecting Work Related as No
New Fields :
- Weight - Free text -100 characters
- Height - Free Text -100 characters
- BMI - Free Text -100 characters
- Existing Data: New fields will appear blank
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will show warning message during double booking of Healthcare Provider's Appointment
Existing System:
- Current Field value for Normalcy Level is hardcoded
- Values being 1,2,3,4,5
- Customer specific values added
Enhanced System:
- When a Healthcare Provider (HCP) is selected, the system checks if other appointments are scheduled for the HCP user in that same time or there is any overlapping time slot of an existing appointment at any location
- Existing Data:
- Impacts: New values to appear in Normalcy Level configurationaly
- Values
- Normal 65 - 99
- Prediabetic 100 -125
- Hypoglycemic below 65
- Hyperglycemia 126 and above
- Existing Data :Would appear blank ,customer need to choose the new look up values
- Impacts: NA