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As an system admin I would want the flexibility of applying personnel data privacy for applicable locations - PMP- 39059.

The application has been enhanced such that the System Admin has the flexiblility of applying personnel data privacy for applicable locations.

  • Enhance System will have the flexibility to hide the employee related information throughout the product
  • Introduced a field “Personnel data Privacy” in Location profile
  • If the yes is selected Employee related fields for the specific location will not be displayed in the system
  • Following are the Employee specific fields which will be hidden
    • Employee / Individual Involved (Last, First, M.I.)
    • Employee Id 
    • Gender
    • Occupational/Job Title
    • Hire Date
    • Time in Current Job
    • Supervisor (Last, First, M.I)
    • Supervisor’s Email.

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Change default selection to “No” for the fields in Environmental Reporting screen - PMP-4362

The application has been enhanced to change the default selection to "NO" for the fields in Environmental Reporting screen.

  • The enhanced system will have custom settings to make it default to Yes/ No for the fields
  • Did the incident involve in shipping of hazardous material
  • Was Emergency response plan reviewed after the incident to see if changes are needed?
  • Was there any Material Involved? 


As an end user should be able to report Percentage of Mix data in 3 digits in Environmental Incident Reporting

 The application has been enhanced to End user should be able to report Percentage of Mix data in 3 digits in Environmental incident reporting.  

  • Enhanced system would allow reporting the percentage data in 3 digits.
  • A validate is implemented so that percentage is not reported greater than 100.


As an end user would like to capture decimal values for Note quantity/Units spilled/Leaked /Emitted field in Environmental reporting screen - PMP-29956.

The application has been enhanced to End user would like to capture decimal values for Note quality/Units spilled/Leaked/Emitted field in Environmental reporting screen. 

  • Enhanced system accepts decimal values for single and multiple spill screens. 


As an end user would like to have the Reported by field as Mandatory to captures who reported the near miss incident all the time - PMP-12519.

 The application has been enhanced to End user would like to have the reported by field as Mandatory to captures who reported the near miss incident all the time.

  • Enhanced system has a configuration available to make Reported By field Mandatory in Near Miss reporting screen. 


As an end user would like to see all case severity fields by default in Incident Reporting screen - PMP-36558.

The application has been enhanced to End user would like to see all case severity fields by default in Incident Reporting screen.

  • Enhanced system has a configuration available to set the desired default selection.


As an end user would like to capture “If this injury had occurred in a slightly different matter, could it have caused a serious injury or fatality?” in incident reporting screen - PMP-36559.

 The application has been enhanced to End user would like to capture "If this injury had occured in a slightly different matter, could it have caused a serious injury or fatality?" in incident reporting screen.

  • Enhanced system has a configurable to indicate the same
  • The field is a double asterisk field.


As an end user would like to see Email Column in the Notifications Users pick list - PMP- 4812.

 The application has been enhanced to End user would like to see Email Column in the Notifications User pick list.

  • Enhanced system will also show Email ID column in the pick list


As an end user would like to see Serious Incident Indication in Detail Report Notification Subject line - PMP- 9552.

The application has been enhanced to End user would like to see Serious Incident Indication in detail Report Notification Subject line  

  • Enhanced system will have the notification subject line as
  • “<System Name> - "Serious Injury / Fatality" Detail report completed for <Incident ID>”.
    • Default Turned off
  • The Subject line would change if response to below question is Yes for respective Incident Type
    • Near Miss SIF Question: Did this incident have the potential to be a serious injury or fatality?
    • Injury / Illness SIF Question: Was this incident treatment offsite?
    • Questions are Configurable


As an end user should be able to send notification based on the severity question answer for near miss - PMP-10902

 The application has been enhanced to End user should be able to send Notification based on the severity question answer for newar miss.

  • Enhanced system has the severity question available in the Detail Report Completed Event Pick list
  • If the severity question is turned off in reporting screen then the same will be hidden in Notification Setup as well.


As an end user would like to send the Action items to External system (TMS) - PMP-36118.

 The application has been enhanced to End user would like to send the Action items to External system (TMS). 

TMS System

  • TMS System is the customer specific Ticketing Management system which will take care of the CAPA’s throughout the organization


As an end user would like to capture RIDDOR Classification in Reporting screen - PMP- 37423

 The application has been enhanced to End user would like to capture RIDDOR Classification in Reporting screen

  • Enhanced system will have a RIDDOR classification in Reporting Screen
  • Based on the RIDDOR classification user will be able to fill only the Selected RIDDOR form for an Injury/Illness incident
  • A new section RIDDOR Classification is introduced in Reporting Screen
  • If the RIDDOR classification is not done in the Reporting screen, user can go back to reporting screen from RIDDOR list Screen.


As an end user I should not see driver’s license information in the system - PMP- 8821

 The application has been enhanced to End user is unable to see driver's license information in the system.

  • In Enhance system these fields are introduced under field level security
  • If user has these permissions the User will be able to view the fields information
  • If user do not have the permissions will not be able to view the field information


 System should not allow user to change the status of claim if received from TPA through Feed - PMP- 40705.

The application has been enhanced to the system should not allow user to change the status of claim if recieved from TPA through Feed.

  • In the enhanced system if the Status of the Claim is updated by a feed in TPA cost & Notes screen in such scenario user will not be able to update the status
  • If the customer do not have the Inbound feed, user will be able to update Claim Status


As an end user should be able to add attachments even the claim has been submitted in claim form of Injury Illness - PMP- 40729

The application has been enhanced to End user should be able to add attachments even the claim has been sybmitted in the claim form of Injury Illness.

  • User will be able to only add attachments once the claim has been submitted in Injury illness claim form
