New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: Enabled Auto Versioning
- Public/Private: Public
- Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- Existing Version field is not automatic. User has to select applicable version number manually
- If an assessment has been approved, it cannot be edited. In this case if a copy is created, there is no linkage between the new record and source record
- Users with Create Version will see create version button in Assessment List screen
- New version can be created for an existing active and approved assessment of the same location
- Below will happen for the new version assessment
- Assessment Title will be prefixed with "New Version of + Assessment Title of copied record"
- Assessment Version field will automatically update to the next proceeding whole number
- "Initial Assessment ID" field will be always populated with Assessment ID of version 1 of the assessment
- This will happen for any subsequent versions created for the assessment
- When proceeding version of an assessment reaches final approval status, the status for previous version of assessment (from which the new version was created) will be automatically set as Inactive
Impacts: Report, Cognos