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Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the Modules Icon.
  2. Click on the Incident Management Menu Item.
  3. Click on the Metrics Menu Item.


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4. Select the month for which the data has to be reported.

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5. Enter the values for the respective fileds.

6. Click on the Save Button.

Image RemovedThe application automatically calculates the hours for each current month using the hours from the 2 prior months. 

How to Calculate Estimated Hours? 

Hours from past two previous months divided by the number of days in that month multiplied by the number of the days in the current month.

The following table has the actual hours for January – March and April’s hours (also the Incident Rate) are estimate.  These hours were calculated by using February as the example.  Our system will calculate the hours for each current month (April) using the hours from two prior months ago (February).  The process to create those hours is as follows:

  1. During the month of February, there are 28 days.
    1. 469,528 Hours / 28 Days = 16,769 Hours per Day
  2. February’s per day hours of 16,769 will be used to estimate the hours for April.
  3. April has 30 days. Each day the system would add 16,769 hours.  On April 30th, the monthly total would be estimated at 503,070 hours (16,769 * 30).

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  1. Yellow Color indicates Hours are estimated.
  2. Daily Estimation based on that day Prior 2 month Data (i.e., in the above example February).
  3. Once the hours are inputted then estimation stops.
  4. Current Month Hours cannot be edited.

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