JSON Field | ProcessMAP System Field | |||||
IncidentID | Incident ID (System Generated) | |||||
InternalIncidentID | ||||||
IncidentTitle | Incident Title/Site | |||||
LocationCode | Location Code | |||||
Location | ||||||
IncidentDate | Date of Incident | |||||
TimeofIncident | Time of Incident | |||||
TimeUndetermined | ||||||
DayOfWeek | Day Of Week | |||||
JobShift | Job Shift | |||||
TimeWorkDayBegan | Time Work Day Began | |||||
hasthePotentialtobeSerious | Is this a serious Incident or has the Potential to be Serious? | |||||
DescriptionofIncident | Description of Incident | |||||
IncidentOccurredonEmployerPremises | Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises | |||||
Department | ||||||
PinLocation | ||||||
AddressofIncidentLocation | Address of Incident Location | |||||
City | City | |||||
County | County | |||||
Country | Country | |||||
State | State/Province | |||||
ZipCode | Postal Code/Zip Code | |||||
WasAssetinvolved | Was Asset involved? | |||||
Assets | Select Asset(s) | WasCorrectiveActioncompleted | ActionItemTitle | ActionTaken | ||
PrimaryOwner | AssignedBy | CompletionDate | DateandTimeReportedtoEmployer | Date & Time Reported to Employer | ||
ConfirmSignificancelevelofincident | Confirm Significance Level of Incident | |||||
EmployeeDetails | Employee / Individual Details | |||||
WasEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident | Was an Employee / Individual involved in the Incident? | |||||
PersonnelType | Personnel Type | |||||
EmployeeInvolved | Employee / Individual Involved( Last, First, M.I.) | |||||
EmployeeId | Employee Id | |||||
PayRateType | Pay Rate Type | |||||
EmployeeDepartment | Employee / Individual Department | |||||
Contractor | Contractor | |||||
DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployee | Do you want to further classify Unsupervised Contract Employee | |||||
TypeofClientPersonnel | Type of Client Personnel | |||||
ClientCompany | Client Company | |||||
NameofContractor | Name of Contractor | |||||
NameofSubContractor | Name of SubContractor | |||||
WasMachineinvolved | ||||||
MachineNumber | ||||||
ReviewedbyEHSRepresentative | ||||||
ReviewDate | ||||||
PropertyDamageIncidentDetails | Property Damage Incident Details | |||||
IncidentType | Incident Type | |||||
IsthisachargeableIncident | Is this a chargeable Incident | |||||
CauseofIncident | Cause of Incident | |||||
DamageSummary | Damage Summary | |||||
Wascontractorinvolvedintheincident | Was contractor involved in the incident | |||||
PleaseprovideContractorDetails | Please provide Contractor Details | |||||
Wasthecontractortrainedoncompanypolicies | Was the contractor trained on company policies | |||||
Describeanydamagecaused | Describe any damage caused | |||||
Describewhatcausedtheincidenttooccur | Describe what caused the incident to occur | |||||
Describeworkactivitybeingperformedduringincident | Describe work activity being performed during incident | |||||
Wastheapplicableregulatoryagencynotified | Was the applicable regulatory agency notified | |||||
WitnessInformation | Witness Information | |||||
ArethereanyWitnessesidentified | Are there any Witnesses identified | |||||
NumberofWitnesses | Number of Witnesses | |||||
LastName | LastName | |||||
FirstName | FirstName | |||||
MiddleName | MiddleName | |||||
Notes | Notes | |||||
PhoneNumber | Phone Number | |||||
WitnessrealtiontoProcessMAP | Witness Relation to ProcessMAP | IncidentStatus | CreatedBy | CreatedDate | LastUpdatedDate | LastUpdatedBy |
InvestigationResponsibility | ||||||
Salutation | Salutation | |||||
FirstName | First Name | |||||
LastName | Last Name | |||||
TargetCompletionDate | Target Completion Date | |||||
Note | Note | |||||
NotifyImmediateSupervisor | Notify Immediate Supervisor | |||||
InvestigationDetails | ||||||
All questions | ||||||
ContributingFactors | ||||||
ContributingFactorType | Contributing Factor Type | |||||
ContributingFactors | Contributing Factors | |||||
Comments | Comments | |||||
5WhyMethodology | ||||||
SelectActionorConditionthatmayhavedirectlycausedincident | Select Action or Condition that may have directly caused incident | |||||
Whys | Whys | |||||
RootCauseStatement | ||||||
RootcauseType | Root cause Type | |||||
RootCause | Root Cause | |||||
Comments | Comments | |||||
FinalRootCauseStatement | ||||||
FinalRootCauseStatement | Final Root Cause Statement | |||||
PrimaryCountermeasure | Primary Counter measure | |||||
PrimaryRootCause | Primary Root Cause | |||||
Action Items | ||||||
SourceID | Source ID | |||||
SourceTitle | Source Title | |||||
ActionItemTitle | Action Item Title | |||||
ActionItemCategory | Action Item Category | |||||
ActionItemType | Action Item Type | |||||
RootCause | Root Cause | |||||
ActionItemDescription | Action Item Description | |||||
ActionItemPriority | Action Item Priority | |||||
ActionItemDueDate | Action Item Due Date | |||||
Owners | Owner | |||||
ResponsibleDepartment | Responsible Department | |||||
Countermeasure | Countermeasure | |||||
ApplicabletoExpansion | Applicable to Expansion? | |||||
DescriptionofActionstobeExpanded | Description of Actions to be Expanded * | |||||
ApplicabletoEEMEPMInfo | Applicable to EEM/EPM Info? | |||||
EEMEPM | EEM / EPM * | |||||
EEMEPMInfoSubmitted | EEM/EPM Info Submitted? | |||||
DocumentNumber | Document Number * | |||||
AssignedBy | Assigned By | |||||
Verificationrequired | Verification required | |||||
VerifyUser | Verify User | |||||
ApprovalStatus | Approval Status | |||||
Approvers | Approvers | |||||
ApprovalComment | Approval Comment | |||||
ApprovalDate | Approval Date | |||||
ActionItemStatus | Action Item Status | |||||
ActionTaken | Action Taken | |||||
ActionitemCompletedBy | Action item Completed By | |||||
ActionitemCompletedDate | Action item Completed Date | |||||
DueDateExtension | Due Date Extension | |||||
RequestedDueDateExtension | Requested Due Date Extension | |||||
ReasonforDueDateExtension | Reason for Due Date Extension | |||||
DueDateExtensionRequestApproved | Due Date Extension Request Approved? | |||||
ReasonfornotextendingtheDueDate. | Reason for not extending the DueDate. | |||||
VerificationStatus | Verification Status | |||||
VerificationPerformed | Verification Performed | |||||
VerifiedBy | Verified By | |||||
VerificationDate | Verification Date | |||||
Comments | Comments | |||||
CapitalExpenditureinvolved | Capital Expenditure involved | |||||
Approximatecost | Approximate cost | |||||
EstimatedBudget | Estimated Budget | |||||
Additional Information | ||||||
IncidentStatus | ||||||
CreatedBy | ||||||
CreatedDate | ||||||
LastUpdatedDate | ||||||
LastUpdatedBy |