New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-85925: As an end user, I want to have Employee ID along with Employee Name in Import template. Anchor #PMP-85925 #PMP-85925
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- We do not have any reference to Employee ID in Import template.
Impacts: Import template.
PMP-87414: As an end user, I want to have Yes & No User Prompt for actions when an Employee is removed from session, Session / Course status gets Deleted / Inactivated. Anchor #PMP-87414 #PMP-87414
User interaction and design
MP-8261: To have Additional Fields and values on the outcome screen. Anchor #MP-8261 #MP-8261
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- In Current system we do not have any field to mention the efficiency of the employee in term of Trained, Certified, Trained & Certified.
Enhanced System:
- We will have a new field Trained / Certified which will have the values Trained, Certified, Trained & Certified when Outcome selected as Complete.
Impacts: NA
MP-8820: As an end user I want to have a sync button available in the My training screen Anchor #MP-8820 #MP-8820
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently, we do not have any sync option available in the My training screen due to which user has to go to Session list screen and refresh the screen & then come back to My training after completing a course to get the score.
Enhanced System:
- We will have a sync button in the my training screen to reduce the extra steps perform to get the score.
Impacts: NA
MP-8877 : As an End User, I want to view the online courses in Landscape Mode for IOS Anchor #MP-8877 #MP-8877
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently we do not support the launch of courses in landscape mode in IOS which cause difficulties to end users to go through the assessments as the text are very small.
Enhanced System:
- We will enable the landscape mode while launching a course in IOS.
Impacts: NA
PMP-87008: As an end user, I want the attachments of course in session attachment section and both attachments in Outcome update attachment section Anchor #PMP-87008 #PMP-87008
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Enable Course Attachment For Session And OutCome
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: Disable
Existing System:
- In current system the attachments of course is not copying to session or update outcome screen. User has to attach the document at 3 different places for trainee's reference.
Enhanced System:
- The attachments of course will have copied to linked session and Outcome attachment section. If there is any extra attachment attached to the session attachment that also will copied to update outcome attachment section.
- In the Attachment Screen for Session Detail and Outcome there will be a column named Source which indicates the source of attachment.
- User will not be able to delete the course attachment from Session Detail or Outcome attachment screen. Same way user will not be able to delete the Session attachment from Outcome attachment screen.
- Any update in the course attachment section will auto sync with new and historical sessions.
Impacts: NA
User interaction and design
Course attachment gets copied to Session attachment