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titleDocument Upload

How to upload a document

  1. To reach the Sustainability Module Settings / Setup from the home page, select settings

  2. Click on Module Setup

  3. Image RemovedImage Added

    Select Sustainability Performance

  4. Within the Sustainability Performance Setup, select Sustainability Performance Company KPI Library

  5. A list of currently existing KPIs will appear. Click on New

  6. Fill in the mandatory fields like KPI ID, KPI Name, KPI Data Source, etc…

    1. KPI Data Source has 3 options

      1. User Entry - Manual entry of KPI data

      2. Derivative from Other KPI - Create a formula based on other KPIs from KPI library

      3. From Other Module - Data populated from specific fields or records in other modules

    2. Classification types

      1. Business

      2. Energy (Required for Emission Factors)

      3. Environmental

      4. Safety

      5. Social

  7. Select KPI Category and the Rollup UOM (What is reported at the corporate level). Save when finished

  8. If user entry, click on Allowable UOMs after saving the KPI Attributes and select other UOMs that may be reported at site level. Requires at least the same Rollup UOM in the Allowable UOM selection



Field Order

Field Name


Field Type


Configuration Details

Custom Setting Constant - Show/Hide

Custom Setting Constant - Mandatory/Non-Mandatory

Upload DocumentKPI Attributes











Upload New Document

Selects option to create a new document at the corporate

Action/ButtonKPI ID

Unique identifier for KPI

Text Box





Document Details2



  KPI Name

 Name of KPI - can share name of other KPIs

 Text Box








Reason for change

Captures the Reason for the Update to the Details or DocumentKPI Description

Description of KPI

Text Box

Yes, Refer Business Rules

  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table



Title *

Captures the identification name of the documentGRI Reference

Details relating to GRI standards

Text Box







Internal Document ID 

Captures the internal identification details

Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table



Primary Folder* 

Captures the primary folder name with which the document is attached to/ displayed in (only one selection permitted); Need ability to Add folder from the front end (permission based)

Pick List5

KPI Data Source

How data is entered to the KPI

Drop Box




Build Formula

Derivative from Other KPIs on KPI Data Source


Select KPI from Other Module

Pick List

From Other Modules on KPI Data Source




Classify from 5 choices

Drop Box







Additional Display Folders

Captures additional folder names with which the document is displayed in (multiple selections permitted)

Pick List


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table




Ability to select from organizational hierarchy (existing foundation); ability to select one or multiple; Only show if Primary Folder is for a facility

Pick List


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table



Document Owner *

Captures user who owns the document.  Can be the same as the Coordinator or someone else.

Pick List

Yes, On Primary Folder


Is this a Normalization Factor

Additional detail to help classify the KPI

Check Box




KPI Category

Category choice from the Sustainability Performance Lookup Values

Drop Down





Scope 1, 2, or 3 classification of Energy KPI

Drop Down

Energy on Classification






Document CoordinatorActivity Type

Captures the name of the document's admin

Pick List

Yes, On Primary Folder

  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table



Business Process*11

Energy Source

Ability to select the High Level Department/Category for a document (drives what document levels will be available)

Drop Down







Document Level *12

Energy Source (un-named Sub Field)

Captures the Document level (drives approval workflows, reviews, etc.)

Drop Down

Yes, On Business Process






Approval Workflow13

Calculate Emission For

Select from the workflows available for the Document Level (if more than one workflow to choose from)

Drop Down

Yes, On Document Level






Approvers *Rollup UOM

Select Approvers from Pick List; Number of approvers added and whether they are sequential/parallel will be based on the Document Level and Workflow selected (dynamic approval workflow)

Drop Down

Yes, On Approval Workflow





13Approval Time Frame *

Rollup UOM (un-named Sub Field)

Automatic due dates based on document level (approval workflow T+)

Text Box

Yes, On Approval Workflow





14Auto Release Document

Data Aggregation Method

Automatically releases document (status updates to final) when approved and sends email notification to distribution defined in the setup.

check box


  1. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table




Published Format *Originator

Determines whether the final “Published Format” of the document will be either converted to a PDF or available in the original uploaded format for the actions "download" and "print".  

Drop Down


  1. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table




Document View *Status

Defines if document will be available to anyone with view permission or only to selected users.

Drop Down


  1. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table



17Private Viewers

Specifies who in addition to Document Owner and Document Coordinator can view the document

Pick List

Yes, On Document View if selected as "Private"

  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional


From Configuration Table




Captures version number for document

Text Box






19Document Type 

Captures the document type - whether it is a spreadsheet or image etc.

Drop Down


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table



Captures the purpose of the document in short

Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional               

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table


21Key Words/ Tags

Signifies the key words that are will be selected for the document in time of search

Token Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table


22Reference Documents

Captures associated documents and creates link between documents

Pick List


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table


23Regulatory References

Captures associated regulatory references

Token Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table


24Periodic Review Frequency*

Date the Document Review will be due

Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table





Drop Down






25Periodic Review Start Date*

Start date the Document Review will calculate from


Yes, On Status. Displayed when changed to Final.





26Retention Period 

Defines period while the document should be active. After defined period document is archived

Text Box


  1. Supports Mandatory/ Optional               

  2. Supports Show/Hide

From Configuration Table

From Configuration Table





Drop Down







Captures the status of the document







28Uploaded/ Referenced by

Captures the name of the user who uploaded the document or referenced the weblink/ hard copy







29Date Uploaded/ Referenced 

Captures the date when the document is uploaded or referenced in the system







30Modified By 

Captures the name of the user who is latest modifier of the document







31Modified Date

Captures the date of the latest modification







32Submit for Approval

Allows user to submit a document for Approval and sends notification to selected Approvers


Yes, On Status when it is Draft





 Cancel Approval Request

Allows Document owner to cancel the approval request for a document in case additional modifications are required in the document


Yes, On Status when it is Pending Approval







Allows archiving a document


Yes, On Status when it is Final



