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New and Improved Features 


PMP-91123: Show/Hide menus based on permission

Configurable: No

  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA


PMP-86126: Contractor Management

Configurable: Yes

  • Title:

Display 'Was Contractor Involved?' field

Custom Setting key per Incident Type

'Was Contractor Involved?' field as Mandatory/Non-Mandatory

Custom Setting key per Incident Type

'Contractor Name' field as Mandatory/Non-Mandatory

One Custom Setting key for all Incident Types

Default value selection 'Other(List)' for 'Contractor Name' field

One Custom Setting key for all Incident Types


Incident TypeSectionField NamesMandatory/OptionalConfiguration
  • Near Miss
General DetailsIs Contractor Involved?MandatoryShow/Hide - Public Configuration
Please provide Contractor Name, CompanyMandatory
  • Property Damage
  • Environmental

Damage Summary

Was a Contractor Involved in the Incident?Optional
Please provide Contractor Details (Name, Company, Phone, etc.)Mandatory
Was The Contractor Trained On Company Policies?Mandatory

 *Note: As per existing implementation, Injury/Illness, Vehicle and General Liability Incident Types doesn't have the above mentioned Contractor fields.

  • The system has a look up value for Contractor information where customers can maintain the details of Contractor Names. However, this look-up is not integrated with the Contractor field in the Reporting screen. So this feature is not being utilized to it’s potential. As of now, user has to enter contractor name manually.
  • 'Contractor Name' field shown upon selecting the 'Personnel Type' as 'Unsupervised Contract Employee' is a free text field and not integrated with any lookup.


Incident TypeSection NameField NameField TypeMandatory/OptionalDependencyConfiguration

1. Near Miss

2. Injury/Illness

3. Vehicle

4. General Liability

5. Property Damage

6. Environmental

General Details

Was Contractor involved?Radio-button 


(*Based on Custom Setting)

  • Custom Setting key to Show/Hide the field by Incident Type
  • Custom Setting key to handle Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory by Incident Type
Contractor Name



(*Based on Custom Setting)

Dependent on the field 'Was Contractor Involved?'

  • Custom Setting key to handle Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory
  • Custom Setting key to show the default value as 'Other (List)' with a textbox
Contractor DetailsTextboxOptional
Was the Contractor trained on Company Policies?Radio-button Mandatory


Impacts: Reports, Mobile, Outbound API 

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Configurable: Yes

  • Title: Investigator Report

  • Public/Private: Private

  • Default: Disabled

Existing System: 

  • Does not provide any statistics related to the Incident, Involved Employee, Supervisor of the Employee, Department, Work Shift, etc. in an single Report.


  • To assist investigation teams during the investigation process by providing insight into the statistics related to the Incident, Involved Employee, Supervisor of the Employee, Department, Work Shift, etc.

  • Provide Incident-related data points from different modules in one place for a quick view. 

Enhanced System:

  • 'Investigator Report' button is visible in the Incident Summary screen as soon as the Detail Report is completed for an Injury/Illness Incident. This button is available for users who have Injury/Illness Investigation View Permission.
  • Clicking on the 'Investigator Report' button redirects the user to a new screen which displays different statistics related to the Incident, Incident Type, Incident Department, Involved Employee, Employee Supervisor, Employee Job etc.
  • The screen is in read only mode and all statistics shown are till the Date of Incident.
  • The screen has 2 buttons:
    1. Back - To navigate back to the Incident Summary screen
    2. Export - To download the the Report as a PDF
  • Metrics from other modules like BBS, LMS, Asset, etc. are displayed in the Report if the customer has a subscription to these modules.

  • The metrics displayed in the Report are until the date of the Incident.

  • The metrics in the Report are divided into the following sections:

    1. Metrics of employee involved in the Incident

    2. Summary of similar Incidents 

    3. Asset related incidents

    4. Employee’s supervisor’s metrics

    5. Metrics of the employee’s job title
