Versions Compared


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New and Improved Features 


PMP-91123: Show/Hide menus based on permission

Configurable: No

  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA


PMP-86126: Contractor Management

Configurable: Yes

  • Title:
S.No.TitleCommentsKey Name

Display 'Was Contractor Involved?' field

Custom Setting key per Incident Type

'Was Contractor Involved?' field as Mandatory/Non-Mandatory

Custom Setting key per Incident Type

'Contractor Name' field as Mandatory/Non-Mandatory

One Custom Setting key for all Incident Types

Default value selection 'Other(List)' for 'Contractor Name' field

One Custom Setting key for all Incident Types

  • Public/Private: Public

Existing System

  • Contractor fields are present only for three incident Types - Near Miss, Property Damage and Environmental. Moreover, the fields are not consistent and present under different sections in the Reporting screen.
Incident TypeSectionField NamesMandatory/OptionalConfiguration
  • Near Miss
General DetailsIs Contractor Involved?MandatoryShow/Hide - Public Configuration
Please provide Contractor Name, CompanyMandatory
  • Property Damage
  • Environmental

Damage Summary

Was a Contractor Involved in the Incident?Optional
Please provide Contractor Details (Name, Company, Phone, etc.)Mandatory
Was The Contractor Trained On Company Policies?Mandatory

 *Note: As per existing implementation, Injury/Illness, Vehicle and General Liability Incident Types doesn't did not have the above mentioned Contractor fields.

  • The system has a look up value for Contractor information where customers can maintain the details of Contractor Names. However, this look-up is not integrated with integrated with the Contractor field in the Reporting screen. So  So this feature is not being utilized to it’s potential. As of now, user has to enter contractor name manually.
  • 'Contractor Name' field shown upon selecting the 'Personnel Type' as 'Unsupervised Contract Employee' is a free text field and not integrated with any lookup.


  • Standardize the set of Contractor fields shown for different Incident Types.
  • Integrate Contractor Name field shown in the Reporting screen with the Lookup.


Incident TypeSection NameField NameField TypeMandatory/OptionalDependencyConfiguration

1. Near Miss

2. Injury/Illness

3. Vehicle

4. General Liability

5. Property Damage

6. Environmental

General Details

Was Contractor involved?Radio-button 


(*Based on Custom Setting)

  • Custom Setting key to Show/Hide the field by Incident Type
  • Custom Setting key to handle Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory by Incident Type
Contractor Name



(*Based on Custom Setting)

Dependent on the field 'Was Contractor Involved?'

  • Custom Setting key to handle Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory
  • Custom Setting key to show the default value as 'Other (List)' with a textbox
Contractor DetailsTextboxOptional
Was the Contractor trained on Company Policies?Radio-button Mandatory
