Step-by-step Instructions:
- When the Custom Setting (Public Key) for this feature is turned 'ON', a new permission 'Record Level Security' will be shown in the Permission screen. Users having this permission will be able to see the 'Confidentiality Details' section in the Reporting screen.
B. Incident Reporting
- Would you like to make this incident confidential? → This field is used to categorize an Incident as Confidential/Non-Confidential.
- Authorized Team → This field is used to grant authorization access for a Confidential Incident to selected users.
3. If 'Yes' option is selected then it will throw a confirmation alert as shown below.
C. New Notification for Confidential Incident
5. An immediate notification will be sent to the authorized users when an incident is made confidential. Clicking on the 'Incident ID' link will redirect the authorized users to the Incident Summary screen.
D. Manage Incident List
- 'Case Number' link will be disabled.
- 'Incident Title' will be masked with text 'Confidential'.
- 'Date Occurred' column will show the details.
*Note: Every other List screens like - Lessons Learned, Claim List, Management review, etc. has similar implementation wherein the Authorized users will be able to see the complete set of data and the Unauthorized users will be able to see the record in the list screen but most of the data will be either blank or masked as 'Confidential'.
H. IMS> Action Item List Screen