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PMP-94330 - Ability to generate and export OSHA 300-301 CSV file

Configurable: Yes

  • Title: OSHA 300/301 Case Data E-Submission

  • Public/Private: Public

  • Default: No


  • There will be a 'Generate CSV' button at the top right corner of the screen.

  • *Note: There won't be any separate permission to enable/disable this button.

Impacts: Mobile, Reports, RC, Cognos, Outbound APINone.


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PMP-95310 - User would like to edit DOB field in OSHA 301 screen based on a configuration

Configurable: Yes

  • Title: Display Vehicle Accident Rate KPIIMSEmpDOBPrivacyInfoShowYN

  • Public/Private: Public

  • Default: No Yes

Existing System: 

  • The Vehicle Incident Metrics do not capture the 'Vehicle Accident Rate'.



Currently, DOB field in OSHA 301 screen is auto-populated from the foundation employee profile and it is non-editable in OSHA 301 screen.

Purpose: To provide flexibility to the OSHA 301 user.

Enhanced System:

  • The new KPI 'Vehicle Accident Rate' has been added under the 'Incident rate' section.

  • Vehicle Accident Rate = (Number of Vehicle Accidents*1,000,000)/Miles Driven

Impacts: Outbound API, Cognos

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Configurable: Yes

  • Title: Enable Confidential Incident Feature

  • Public/Private: Public

  • Default: Yes

Existing System: 

  • Does not have the feature to hide any incident that requires privacy. So such type of incidents are deleted from the system (if already reported) and managed elsewhere to avoid disclosure.


  • Introduce a new feature so as to maintain the Confidential Incidents in the application with limited access to the authorized users.

Enhanced System:

Impacts: Mobile, Reports, RC, Insight, Outbound APIUser would be able to

  • Edit DOB field in OSHA 301 based on permission and configuration.

  • The existing custom setting (IMSEmpDOBPrivacyInfoShowYN) is used in the OSHA 301 screen as well.

  • Additionally, if user has edit OSHA 301 permission, then the DOB field would be visible and available for editing.

  • If user only has view OSHA 301 permission, then DOB field would just show as “Privacy Information”.

Impacts: None.

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