Product Level Change
PMP-94956 - Implement access User would like to have the access implemented in the summary report so that only authorized users can see the investigation data
PMP-94330 - Ability User would like to have the ability to generate and export OSHA 300-301 CSV file
PMP-95310 - User would like to edit DOB field in OSHA 301 screen based on a configuration
PMP-94407 - AAP Retail Calendar - DB Design & Script to load data
PMP-94443 - IMS-Checkmarx Version Upgrade (9.5.0)
PMP-94777 - IMS Datamart - SQL Server Upgrade 2019
PMP-93190 - IMS-SQL Server Upgrade 2019 - Feed
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User would like to have the ability to generate and export OSHA 300-301 CSV file
Configurable: Yes
Title: OSHA 300/301 Case Data E-Submission
Public/Private: Public
Default: No
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Configurable: Yes
Title: IMSEmpDOBPrivacyInfoShowYN
Public/Private: Public
Default: Yes