1. Introduction
This document will give an overview of the API integrations that the Ideagen has built in order to help its clients to integrate seamlessly with the product across different EHS Modules like Incident Management, Audits, Learning Management, Sustainability , BBS etc. It contains descriptions and example messages sent over HTTPS between the client and Ideagen end points.
Please note that this token expires every 2 hours(configurable) so in order to make the next call, the token needs to be generated again by calling the Authentication endpoint.
2. Prerequisites :
There are basic few prerequisites in order to set use Ideagen’s EHS API’s to extract data :
iii. Credentials - this is User credentials that will be provided by Ideagen team to customer team, which will be used for token based authentication.
3. Core Services
a. Foundation API Services :
f. Calendar API Service
g. OPM API Service
4. Error/Validation Messages
Below are some of the common error codes /validation messages .
5. Debugging :
a. Communication Problems
The first step to debugging any problem with the Ideagen Services is to make sure you can connect to them. The easiest way to do this is by making sure you can request the homepage of one of the service endpoints. This can be achieved by entering the URL into a Web browser e.g. http://integrationsvc.processmap.com/outbound
If there is no meaningful response , make sure you used the correct URL. If you are sure you used the correct URL, then reach out to Ideagen team with the error message.
The detailed documentation describes in detail the date range criteria for which the API will pull the data , if any range passed is beyond permissible limit then “Data can be pulled only for ___ years” error message would be displayed.
6. Security
All Ideagen API Calls are secured with Token based authentication, The user credentials are not transmitted over multiple API endpoint calls, rather it works only after the JWT Token gets generated at the first step. The JWT token is encrypted , and it is generated as per the RS256 Algorithm. The calls are made over HTTPS Protocol.
▪ Mechanism to handle Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks at network level.
7. Release/Upgrade :
The Outbound APIs are enhanced and modified time to time with respect to each version according to the enhancements in the product. As and when the module functionality is added, the changes are incorporated in the APIs.