In v 24.1 Enter Data usability has been enhanced by making below changes - System has an auto save feature which saves a KPI data automatically as soon as all required data points are entered for a KPI
- Required data points are KPI Data, Site UOM, conversion factor (it is auto populated but still should be treated as mandatory field) and comment in case of Validation Rule
- System highlights missing required data points as soon as user moves to next KPI
- System also takes care of recalculating any related derivative KPI data, emissions etc...
- Save button will not be available anymore
- System shows an indication when auto save happens and show a time stamp of last auto save while user continues to work in Enter Data screen
- The time stamp will not be visible the screen is refreshed, filter is changed, or comes back to screen after going to another screen, as it is specific to the session where data entry was being done
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