New and Improved Features
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Enhanced System:
Has Emission Factor Goal Value import option available from Emission Preference Goal Management screen
- Factors can be imported for multiple locations and for one program at a time but for all locations of the program in one go
- It support updating existing factors values as well
- Any user having permission to update Emission Factor view/edit goal permission for a program can use the import tool only for that program
- User's Location and Program permission will be validated in Data Mapping screen
- The import tool and template is static, however few columns are dropdown where we have standard system valuesdynamic, so import tool will be visible only when a Program is selected
- Template will be downloaded as per selected program
- This is done to make the import template user friendly and reduce data issues
Impacts: No Impact