New and Improved Features
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Configurable setting: Show/Hide,Private
Existing system
- Currently the system does not allow the users to define the requirement of performing root cause analysis for findings by audit program
The application has been enhanced to provide an option to make the check box for “Notify Owners Immediately” to be checked/unchecked based on the configuration.
- Configuration will be defaulted to Yes (checked)
- Configuration will be applicable to Action Item for all modules and Tasks (Task Library and Site tasks)
If the check box is unchecked, it will not send an email to anyone.
Purpose: To give the user flexibility to the users to define the requirement of root cause analysis by findings for audits.
Enhanced System
- New field of Require root cause analysis has been introduced in the audit set up tab.
- If the response to this field is yes then the Root cause icon will be displayed in the Questionnaire.Else the root cause icon will not be displayed in the Questionnaire screen
- Irrespective of the response to this field ,the user would be able to enter root cause in the findings list (Manage Findings and Findings Summary).
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: Show/Hide,Public
Default: Show
Existing system
- Currently the system does not allow the users to define whether audit findings are to be created while responding to audit questions in the questionnaire
Purpose: To give the user flexibility to the users to define whether audit findings are to be created for non preferred responses in the audit questionnaire.
Enhanced System
- New field of create findings while responding Audit Questions has been introduced in the program details page .
- If the response to this field is yes then the finding icon will be displayed in the questionnaire.Else the finding icon will be hidden in the questionnaire.
Screenshot 1 : When the response to the field of Create Findings while Responding Audit Questions is Yes then the Finding Icon is displayed in the questionnaire.
Screenshot 2 : When the response to the field of Create Findings while Responding Audit Questions is No then the Finding Icon is not displayed in the questionnaire.
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Type in the additionl information here...refer to below example: Changing the Configurations Contact your ProcessMAP support team for changing the custom settings for Notify Owners Immediately. |