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PMP-4169-  Auto-generated Sequence ID for "Task" from Task management and Library

Configuration Setting:  No configuration .Product wide changeconfiguration 

Default: NACommon Change

Existing System 

  • Currently there is no unique identifier for the Tasks created from Task Management and Task Library. The action item created from task in calendar doesn't have a source ID as well.

Purpose : The current system captures the details of a task but there is no unique identifier for task and action items created from task management and library. The user can only identify a task and dependent action item by it’s title

Enhanced  System: In the enhanced system, Task will have an Auto-generated Sequence ID in the following format-

  • "CT-SequenceCounter"  for the tasks created from Task Library
  • "CountryCode-LocationCode-CT-SequenceCounter" for task created from Task Management

Task Id for the tasks created from Task Library

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Task Id for the tasks created from Task Management

Source ID for task created from Task Library and pushed to Task Management and Action Items from Task Management

  • This section will have only one field named as "Source ID"
  • Auto-populate this field with Task ID of parent Task


PMP-49024-  Have an option in the task details screen to link a DAP form

Configuration Setting:  Show/ Hide, Public

Default : Hide,Customer Specific

Existing System 

  • Currently there is no option to link a Task from a DAP form

Purpose : For some Task user needs to fill a form based on the details of Task. This enhancement gives user that option.

Enhanced  System:

  • Added a new field "Module Reference" to Task and Action Item detail.
  • It will be a composite control having below fields
    1. Module dropdown containing the values "App Builder" or any other module which task is integrated with (For now, Either "App Builder" or "None" and default value will be "App Builder"). 
    2. Auto Complete control where list of Forms will be populated. (In case the user has selected "None" for Module Reference field then search will be disabled)
    3. In action Item details the field will be read only with a clickable link which will redirect the user to form
  • Introduced a configuration to turn on/off the field in the task details

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  • Impacts- Notification from Task and Action Item both will include this field 

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PMP-47005-  Configuration to Make "Action item description” a mandatory field in Task detail

Configuration Setting:  Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory .Public

Default: Non-Mandatory, Customer Specific

Existing System 

  • Currently the action item description field is non- mandatory and there is no option to make this field mandatory

Purpose : For Task description is one of the most important component. This enhancement helps in making this detail to be filled mandatory so that information is not missed out while creating a task.

Enhanced  System:

  • Introduced a Mandatory/Non-Mandatory configuration for "Action Item description" field for tasks from Task Library and Task Management

  • Impacts- None

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PMP-47004-  Expand the "Text Area" size for "Action Item Description and Action Taken" fields

Configuration Setting:  No configuration .Product wide changeconfiguration 

Default: NACommon Change

Existing System 

  • Currently the textbox only three lines of data and after three lines scrolling option comes. For lengthy descriptions and comments it is difficult to read it and it looks clumsy.

Purpose : It is easier to read lengthy descriptions and comments as the user doesn't have to scroll in a small space

Enhanced  System:

  • In the enhanced have increased the size of the textbox to show more data at once. Instead of three lines we have increase the size to show six lines then only the scroll option will come

  • Impacts- None

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PMP-47073-  Add uploaded by information in attachment section of Action Item details

Configuration Setting:  No configuration .Product wide changeconfiguration 

Default: NACommon Change

Existing System 

  • Currently the attachment section doesn't have information related to "who has uploaded the document and when"

Purpose : Gives a better visibility about document related information.

Enhanced  System:

  • In the enhanced state we will have the following information in the action item attachment section
    • Uploaded By
    • Uploaded Date
  • The information will be visible once the user has saved the details

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  • Impacts- Existing data

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PMP-48234-  Automatically assign location scope to parent "Calendar category and Action Item Driver" when scope to extra location is assigned to a child

Configuration Setting:  No configuration .Product wide changeconfiguration 

Default: NACommon Change

Existing System 

  • Currently while assigning location in calendar category and action item driver the child parent dependency is missing. The user can assign limited location scope to parent still he can assign a child scope to all location which leads to certain issues such as calendar category is missing in tree view of action item if it is pushed from library

Purpose : To create the dependency between parent and child while assigning location. Currently this dependency is missing which leads to data related issue

Enhanced  System:

  • In the enhanced state we need to create a dependency between parent calendar category and action item driver with child. Whenever a child has been assigned scope to extra location as compared to parent then the parent should automatically get the scope for those extra locations
  • In case scope is removed from the parent and if child has that location scope then location scope of child will also be removed.
  • When parent’s status is changed from active to Inactive. All the dependent child calendar categories will be inactivated.
  • When child’s status is changed from inactive to active and parents are inactive. Then all the parent calendar categories will automatically get activated
  • For inactive records the "Assign" tab will be disabled

  • Impacts- Existing Data

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