A Form has 4 different Status
Active | This is the default form status when there are enough app licences. |
In-Active | Form is changed to Inactive when it is no longer to be used. It is visible only to the user who has "Modify" permission. |
Draft | This is the status maintained even before the app is published to others.This is the default form status when licences are expired. Only Created User of the app can view the app in the home screen. |
Delete | If a form is deleted, it is no longer visible to any user. |
Step-by-step Instructions:
- Select the Form Properties Tab
- A Status field is available in the detail screen.
Field Information Table
Field Name | Details/Description |
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spaces | com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.model.resource.identifiers.SpaceResourceIdentifier@957 |
showSpace | false |
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