New and Improved Features
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- As of now in incident reporting screen users Users do not have the ability to save Incident as draft i.e. without filling all Mandatory fields
- This causes delay in reporting Incidents
- In most cases when Incident happens the reporter does not have all details of the Incident. In this case they cannot make an entry in the system until they have all details. With Draft status they would be able to make an entry with Minimal information
Enhanced System:
- Allows to save an Incident with Minimal information with Draft status
- Displays Incidents in list screen as Draft and users can complete the detail report later
- Incident status will remain as Draft until all mandatory fields are filled.
- If all mandatory fields are filled in the first time Save the Incident will not be saved as Draft, the status would be "Detail Report Incomplete"
- No change in Mandatory fields or their indication
- Injury/Illness Incidents with Draft Status will not go to Metrics. For other Incident Types counts would be updated as it happens currently for respective Metrics
- All notifications triggered through a field would continue to behave as it is. Notifications would trigger when respective field is filled
- Detail Report Status and Investigation Report Status are removed and replaced with Incident Status column. The new column would display below statues:
- Draft
- Detail Report Incomplete (Hyperlink)
- Detail Report Completed / Investigation Report Incomplete (Hyperlink)
- Investigation Report Completed
- FROI question is moved to "Employee/Individual Details" section to align it with Multiple Injury screen and Mobile Pro.
- As in current system, the field is dependent on Personnel Type selection
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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have flexibility a way to generate CSV file for multiple locations at a time
- Does not show a list of Locations where OSHA 300A has been saved for a Year
- When a Level is selected the OSHA 300A screen turns into a List screen showing list of location where OSHA 300A has been saved for previous year
- Allows to select required rows and generate CSV file with those rows
- Allows to change the view filter to see data from different years
Impacts: None
- Same permissions are applied to display Generate CSV Button as applied at location
- The list will display Displays only "Allow Roll Up=No" records as per logged-in user's scope
Impacts: None
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Configurable Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not show time since the last incident was reported for the Location/Level
- This is a useful information for Location users/Corporate Admins that indicates how safe is their work place
Enhanced System:
- Has a widget displaying Day/Hours since last Incident was reported
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not show time since the last recordable incident was reported for the Location/Level
- This is a useful information for Location users/Corporate Admins that indicates how safe is their work place
Enhanced System:
- Has a widget displaying Day/Hours since last recordable Incident was reported
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not a give a quick statistics of Incidents with different statuses
- Has a widget that shows statistics of Incidents pending different actions
- Detail Report Incomplete
- Investigation Report Incomplete - Does not include Incidents where investigation is not Mandatroy
- Case Not Classified
- Claim Not Submitted
Impacts: None
- If a there is If there is no Incident in the system for a specific Incident Type, it will not appear as a row in the Widget.
- This would avoid questions from Customers as to why they are seeing an Incident Type they are not utilizing
Impacts: None
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have widgets showing Incident count breakup by the Sub type
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have a widget showing Near Miss Incident reporting trend at location/level
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not display IMS widgets at Level making it less useful for Corporate Users
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Has filter options for 30, 60 and 90 days
- Does not show counts by Year
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Configurable Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Let's users make the CAPA completion date field blank and save the Incident
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Configurable Configurable: Yes (No Custom Setting)
- Title: Configured through a configuration table
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have the ability to configure investigation requirement for Injury/Illness Incident based on the severity
Enhanced System:
- Has option to configure Investigation section requirements in below four categories:
- Not Classified
- Recordable (Other Recordable, Restricted Work, Lost Time, Fatality) - Configuration will be same for all these classifications
- Not Recordable (Report Only, First Aid)
- Not Work Related
Impacts: Mobile, Feed
- The configuration would be applied depending on Most Severe case and not current case
- Configuration is available only to make different Investigation steps Mandatory/Optional.
- If no configuration by Case Classification is done, the current configurations would be applicable
- Configurations would be managed in IMS back-end and Customers need to contact ProcessMAP support for managing it
Configurable : Yes
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: NM - Work shift
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- In existing system Work Shift/ Job Shift is a mandatory field in general details of Near Miss reporting screen
- For other incident types Work Shift/ Job Shift has configuration to show and hide
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Configurable Configurable: Yes
- Title: PD - Agency Notified
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- The field in Damage Summary section is not mandatory and System admin do not have flexibility to make it mandatory
- Provide flexibility for system admin to make the field mandatory