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  1. Click on Modules icon.
  2. Click on "Incident Management" Menu Item.
  3. Click on "Report New Incident" Menu Item.
  4. Select "Environmental" In "Incident Type".
  5. Fill all the Mandatory Fields and Click on "Save" button.

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Table of Contents

  • In order to create an incident record the user must:
    Have Scope to the location creating an incident record for.
    √ Must have a Accident/Incident Management Role with proper permissions to complete incident.
    √ User must navigate to a site/location to see the Report New Incident menu option.
  • Users may or may not be required to complete certain sections while reporting an incident based on rules.
  • Fields marked with one asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled out in order to save the record.
  • Fields mark with two asterisks (**) are mandatory and must be filled out in order for the incident to be considered complete for notifications to generate.

Completing Incident Details 

Navigate to: Modules> Incident Management> Report New Incident

  1. Type in the Incident Title/Site*
  2. Check off Environmental as your Incident Type*

Image Added

Completing General Details 

  1.  Complete all mandatory fields and click Save button.

Image Added

Completing Employee/Individual Details 

  1. Type in the Incident Title/Site*
  2. Check off Environmental as your Incident Type*

Completing Environmental Incident Details 

Completing Substance Details 

Completing Damage Summary  

Witness Information 


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cqllabel in ("creating","incident","environmentalenvironmentalincidenttype") and type = "page" and space = "KB"
labelscreating environmental incident

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