Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Background and strategic fit

The purpose of this Integration is to pull over different incident information (Near Miss and Injury Illness) to support our growing customer base to analyze the data they are entering through the ProcessMAP solution.This document provides information on how to consume the API's by the end Users.


  • Individual APIs being used for Injury & Claim and Near Miss
  • For Injury/Illness the Incident type field will have comma separate value in case it is a combined Incident with other Incident Types
    • Data will be sent only for the Injury/Illness
  • ProcessMAP system User permissions would not be considered while exposing the data
  • User would have to input single Location Code(e.g. Westlake) each time to consume that Location data
  • Data to be accessed with a limitation of 2 years duration at a time to avoid any performance issues.
  • Data will be shown in Readable JSON format
  • Fields Names in the Response would be Product Field Naming. Customer will have to use mapping documentation
  • User accessing this endpoint through a valid Token & ConsumerId, provided by ProcessMAP, will have access to complete data
  • Witness Details  Information will be as nested
  • BodyParts -- Will be separated by , and side will be mentioned in braces Ex: Arm (L)(R)
  • For Nature, Cause and BodyParts -- IF Other(List) is selected then others description will be appended with '-' Ex: Other(List) --- Some Text
  • For Employee, Supervisor, Reported By  -- LastName, MiddleName, First name and Prefix will be combined as shown as single (Prefix(if available) + Firstname+ MiddleName(if available) + LastName)
  • For Witness the First Name, Middle Name, Last Name will not be appended as no field is mandatory
  • Incident Status will be included in the json output
  • DATETIME, INT and FLOAT data will be shown as NULL when there is no data
  • Pin Location Information and Default CAPA is not considered for this release
  • The data that is being shown in response is in EST Date time format ONLY.

User Interaction

Near Miss


Name        Description           Type      Additional information

        Represents the unique code of location for which Incident records to return.




        Represents the starting date of Incident records to return.


      Required but value optional


        Represents the ending date of Incident records to return.


      Required but value optional

lastSyncedDate        Represents the data from incident created date or incident modified date.           date      Required but value optional


SectionField NameDatabase Column Size
Incident Detail

Incident ID *NVARCHAR (400System Generated)Internal incident IdNVARCHAR(200400)

Incident Title (No Personal data to be entered) */SiteNVARCHAR(400)
General Detail

Incident Date *DATETIME

Time of Incident *NVARCHAR(100)

Time UndeterminedNVARCHAR(10)

Day of Week *NVARCHAR(50)Date Reported to EmployerDATETIMETime Reported to EmployerNVARCHAR(200)

Reported ByNVARCHAR(200)

Work Shift *NVARCHAR(200)Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises *

Operating UnitNVARCHAR(200)Address of Incident Location *NVARCHAR(500)City *NVARCHAR(50)CountyNVARCHAR(50)Country * NVARCHAR(50)State *NVARCHAR(50)Postal CodeNVARCHAR(50)Department *NVARCHAR(100)

Department where the incident/injury occurredNVARCHAR(100)Could this have resulted in a Was this an HPE (Potential life altering injury or fatality? *)? ((IF YES - The incident investigation is mandatory))NVARCHAR(100)

Describe what occurred to create the Near Miss/Hazard Recognition? *NVARCHAR(8000)

Is Contractor Involved? *NVARCHAR(50)

Please provide Contractor Name, Company *NVARCHAR(500)Nearmiss Incident type *NVARCHAR(200)Severity *NVARCHAR(50)Hazard Classification *NVARCHAR(100)Was a Corrective Action completed at time of reporting incident?NVARCHAR(3)Action Item TitleNVARCHAR(500)Action TakenNVARCHAR(4000)Primary OwnersNVARCHAR(100)Assigned ByNVARCHAR(100)Completion DateDATETIME
Potentially Injury illness section  

Nature of Illness/Injury *NVARCHAR(100)Cause of Illness/Injury *


Injured Body PartNVARCHAR(100Is this a stop work?NVARCHAR(200)
Employee / Individual Details  

Was an Employee / Individual involved in the Incidentincident? *NVARCHAR(50)

Personnel Type *NVARCHAR(50)Employee / Individual Involved ( Last, First, M.I.) *

First NameNVARCHAR(200)

Middle NameNVARCHAR(200)

Last NameNVARCHAR(200)


Employee Id *IdNVARCHAR(200)


Occupation/Job TitleNVARCHAR(200)


Employee / Individual DepartmentNVARCHAR(100)Supervisor ( Last, First, M.I)

 Supervisor First NameNVARCHAR(200),

Supervisor Last NameNVARCHAR(200)

Supervisor Middle NameNVARCHAR(200)

Supervisor's Email NVARCHAR(50)Do you want to further classify Unsupervised Contract EmployeeNVARCHAR(10)Type of Client PersonnelNVARCHAR(20)Client CompanyNVARCHAR(100)

Name of ContractorNVARCHAR(800)

Name of Sub-ContractorNVARCHAR(800)
Witness Information  

Are there any Witness identified?NVARCHAR(20)

If Yes - Number of Witnesses  Witnesses INT

Last First NameNVARCHAR(50)

First Middle NameNVARCHAR(50)

Middle Last NameNVARCHAR(50)

Phone NumberNVARCHAR(100)



Name        Description           Type      Additional information

        Represents the unique code of location for which Incident records to return.




        Represents the starting date of Incident records to return.


      Required but value optional


        Represents the ending date of Incident records to return.


      Required but value optional

lastSyncedDate        Represents the data from incident created date or incident modified date.           date      Required but value optional


Name       Description      Sample
Authorization       Represents the value of the authentication token.
       Allow multiple values: no.
      Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ...
ConsumerId       Represents the value of the consumer id.
       Allow multiple values: no.



    "Incident ID (System Generated)": "sample string 1",
    "Incident Internal Id (System Generated)": "sample string 2",
    "Incident Title (No Personal data to be entered)": "sample string 3",
    "Incident Type": "sample string 4",
    "Were multiple people injured as part of this incident?": "sample string 5",
    "Date of Incident": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.403Z",
    "Time of Incident": "sample string 6",
    "Time undetermined": "sample string 7",
    "Day Of Week": "sample string 8",
    "Work Shift": "sample string 9",
    "Time Work Day Began": "sample string 10",
    "Description of Incident": "sample string 11",
    "Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises": "sample string 12",
    "Address of Incident Location": "sample string 13",
    "City of Incident Location": "sample string 14",
    "County of Incident Location": "sample string 15",
    "Country of Incident Location": "sample string 16",
    "State/Province of Incident Location": "sample string 17",
    "Postal Code/Zip Code of Incident Location": "sample string 18",
    "Department": "sample string 19",
    "Location of Injury Scene": "sample string 20",
    "Would you like to submit a Workers Compensation claim?": "sample string 21",
    "Personnel Type": "sample string 22",
    "Employee / Individual Involved (Prefix, First, M.I., Last)": "sample string 23",
    "Employee Id": "sample string 24",
    "Gender": "sample string 25",
    "Occupation/Job Title": "sample string 26",
    "Hire Date": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.404Z",
    "Time in Current job": 1,
    "Time in Current job Unit": "sample string 27",
    "Employee / Individual Department": "sample string 28",
    "Supervisor (First, M.I., Last)": "sample string 29",
    "Supervisor's Email": "sample string 30",
    "Supervisor Phone": "sample string 31",
    "Employee Home Address": "sample string 32",
    "Employee City": "sample string 33",
    "Employee State": "sample string 34",
    "Employee Postal Code/Zip Code": "sample string 35",
    "Employee Home Phone Number": "sample string 36",
    "Marital Status": "sample string 37",
    "Years at Company": 1,
    "Number Of Dependents": 1,
    "Current Weekly Wage": 1.1,
    "Hourly Wage": 1.1,
    "Hours Worked per Week": 1.1,
    "Days worked Per Week": 1,
    "Hours worked Per Day": 1,
    "State Hired": "sample string 38",
    "Employment Status": "sample string 39",
    "Was Employee Paid in Full for Date of Injury?": "sample string 40",
    "Any Prior WC Injuries?": "sample string 41",
    "Name of Contractor": "sample string 42",
    "Name of Sub-Contractor": "sample string 43",
    "Was Employee treated offsite?": "sample string 44",
    "Did this incident involve an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or a loss of an eye?": "sample string 45",
    "Has OSHA been contacted?": "sample string 46",
    "Please Identify OSHA Contact Details (Name and Phone Number)": "sample string 47",
    "Nature of Injury / Illness": "sample string 48",
    "Cause of Illness/Injury": "sample string 49",
    "Injured Body Part": "sample string 50",
    "What was the employee doing just before the incident occurred?": "sample string 51",
    "Please describe what object or substance directly harmed the employee? If this question does not apply, enter 'not applicable'": "sample string 52",
    "Most Severe Case": "sample string 53",
    "Current Case": "sample string 54",
    "Health & Safety / WC Contact Name": "sample string 55",
    "Employer Telephone Number": "sample string 56",
    "Employer Title": "sample string 57",
    "Employer Mailing Address": "sample string 58",
    "Employer City": "sample string 59",
    "Employer State": "sample string 60",
    "Employer Postal Code/Zip Code": "sample string 61",
    "Employer Location Code": "sample string 62",
    "Employer SIC": "sample string 63",
    "Nature of Business": "sample string 64",
    "Is This Claim Work Related": "sample string 65",
    "Did the incident result in fatality?": "sample string 66",
    "Date fatality occurred": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.406Z",
    "Did the employee lose any time from work?": "sample string 67",
    "What was the first full day out?": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.406Z",
    "Do you know the Date Employee Last Worked?": "sample string 68",
    "Date Returned to Work": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.407Z",
    "Estimated Return to Work Date": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.407Z",
    "Reqs Sharps Inj Log": "sample string 69",
    "Was employee sent to Hospital / Clinic to receive Medical Treatment?": "sample string 70",
    "Initial Medical Treatment": "sample string 71",
    "Hospital / Clinic Name": "sample string 72",
    "Hospital Address": "sample string 73",
    "Hospital City": "sample string 74",
    "Hospital State": "sample string 75",
    "Hospital Postal Code/Zip Code": "sample string 76",
    "Hospital Phone": "sample string 77",
    "Hospital Fax": "sample string 78",
    "Clinic/Doctor Name": "sample string 79",
    "Do you question the Validity of the claim?": "sample string 80",
    "Provide details": "sample string 81",
    "Other Comments": "sample string 82",
    "Is Claim Form Completed?": "sample string 83",
    "Claim Submission Status": "sample string 84",
    "Claim Submitted By": "sample string 85",
    "Claim Submitted Date": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.407Z",
    "Claim Status": "sample string 86",
    "Date Claim Closed": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.407Z",
    "Total Cost Incurred": 1.1,
    "Total Cost Paid": 1.1,
    "Total Outstanding Cost": 1.1,
    "Total Developed Cost": 1.1,
    "Are there any Witnesses identified?": "sample string 87",
    "Witness Information": [
        "LastName": "sample string 2",
        "FirstName": "sample string 3",
        "MiddleName": "sample string 4",
        "PhoneNumber": "sample string 5",
        "Notes": "sample string 6"
        "LastName": "sample string 2",
        "FirstName": "sample string 3",
        "MiddleName": "sample string 4",
        "PhoneNumber": "sample string 5",
        "Notes": "sample string 6"
    "Name": "sample string 88",
    "Title": "sample string 89",
    "Phone": "sample string 90",
    "Incident Status": "sample string 91",
    "Incident Created By": "sample string 92",
    "Incident Created Date": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.408Z",
    "Incident Last Updated By": "sample string 93",
    "Incident Last Updated Date": "2019-08-14T12:39:46.408Z"
