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Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
Does not have an import tool to configure goal values for multiple locations of a program
- Users have to configure goal value for each location and KPI one by one
Help Increase adoption of Goal Management feature by making it easy to configure goal values
Enhanced System:
Has Emission Factor Goal Value import option available from Emission Preference Goal Management screen
- Factors Goal Value can be imported for multiple one program at a time but for all locations and KPIs of the program in one go
- It support updating existing factors values as well
- Any user having permission to update Emission Factor view/edit goal permission for a program can use the import tool only for that program
- If selected program does not have any KPI with Goal setup, system will display relevant message
- User's Location and Program permission will be validated in Data Mapping screen
- The import tool and template is static, however few columns are dropdown where we have standard system valuesdynamic, so import tool will be visible only when a Program is selected
- Template will be downloaded as per selected program
- This is done to make the import template user friendly and reduce data issuesby displaying KPI wise different goal setup so that accurate goal value can be configured
- Limitation
- currently there is a limitation with older excel formats that does not allow to populate more than 220 values in a dropdown column.
- Due to this limitation, in import template any column that has more than 220 values, will not be a complete list.
- However the import tool also allows users to use any existing excel file having goal value configuration data.
- Columns of the excel file can be mapped in Data Mapping screen to respective columns and the import tool will import the data after validating required configurations and permission
Impacts: No Impact