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New and Improved Features

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The application has been enhanced to provide an option to make the check box for “Notify Owners Immediately” to be checked/unchecked based on the configuration.

  • Configuration will be defaulted to Yes (checked)
  • Configuration will be applicable to Action Item for all modules and Tasks (Task Library and Site tasks)

If the check box is unchecked, it will not send an email to anyone. 

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Changing the Configurations


PMP-40415 Provision of ability to turn on /off RCA by program.

Configurable setting: Show/Hide,Private


Existing system

  • Currently the system does not allow the users to define the requirement of performing root cause analysis for findings by audit program

Purpose: To give the user flexibility to the users to define the requirement of root cause analysis by findings for audits.

Enhanced System 

  • New field of Require root cause analysis has been introduced in the audit set up tab.
  • If the response to this field is yes then the Root cause icon will be displayed in the Questionnaire.Else the root cause icon will not be displayed in the Questionnaire screen
  • Irrespective of the response to this field ,the user would be able to enter root cause in the findings list (Manage Findings and Findings Summary).

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PMP-45705 Provision of ability to turn of findings for audits in Questionnaire screen

Configurable setting: Show/Hide,Public

Default: Show

Existing system

  • Currently the system does not allow the users to define whether audit findings are to be created while responding to audit questions in the questionnaire

Purpose: To give the  flexibility to the users to define whether audit findings are to be created for non preferred responses in the audit questionnaire.

Enhanced System 

  • New field of "Create findings while responding Audit Questions" has been introduced in the program details page .
  • If the response to this field is yes then the finding icon will be displayed in the questionnaire.Else the finding icon will be hidden in the questionnaire.

Screenshot 1 : When the response to the field of Create Findings while Responding Audit Questions is Yes then the Finding Icon is displayed in the questionnaire.

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Screenshot 2 :  When the response to the field of Create Findings while Responding Audit Questions is No  then the Finding Icon is not displayed in the questionnaire.

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MP-3338 Provision of creating audit in mobile audits .

Configurable setting: No Configuration

Default:Common Change

Existing system

  • Currently the ProcessMAP mobile audits app does not allow the users to create an audit.Users are required to create audits in web version only

Purpose: To provide the ability to create audits in mobile app.

Enhanced System :

  • System will enable the users to create audits from mobile and subsequently perform them through the app.
  • System will allow users to create audits both in online as well as offline mode

Steps for Audit Creation 

Step 1  :

  • New icon of + has been introduced in the mobile audits  list as shown below.
  • Click on the + icon to start the audit creation process.The users need to have the permission of creating "Site audit" to be able to view this icon.
  • The audits mobile app is limited to creation of only site audits.No multi location based corporate audits can be created from the audits app.

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Step 2 : 

  • When the user clicks on the + icon the user would be taken to the list of protocols from where the protocol required for the audit is to be selected.
  • This list will have all the protocols that are available for the users location.
  • Protocols can be searched with the search bar displayed on top as shown below.
  • Each protocol is appended with the count of questions which is associated with the protocol.
  • In order to view the questions that are associated with the protocol the users can click on the "View" icon .All the questions along with the sections will be displayed when the users click on view icon.

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Step 3 : 

  • Once the protocol is selected the system will navigate to the program creation screen .For easier and faster audit creation process from mobile ,the program creation page will be auto-populated with the details of the date and protocol selected.
    • The date of creation of audit will be defaulted as the program start date.System will however allow the users to change the date .
    • The name of the protocol will be taken as the program name.System will however allow the users to change the name ,if needed.

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Step 4 : 

  • Once the user completes the audit creation process the system prompts a question of whether the user would like to Conduct Audit then.If the user clicks on "Yes" , the user is taken to the questionnaire screen wherein the users would be able to conduct an audit.If the user clicks on No then the user would be taken to the Audits list.

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 Editing an Audit

  • Once any protocol is selected ,it can be changed until the program scheduling has been completed.
  • However ,once the program scheduling has been done, system does not allow the user to edit any details of the program set up.Any editing of the program set up has to be hence done from the web version only.

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PMP-45572 : Enhance Import tool framework so that import history can be viewed by record (audit program)

Configurable setting: No Configuration

Default:Common Change

Existing system

  • Currently the import utility in audits module does not provide any information of import history.

Purpose: To provide the ability to see the history of import of findings

Enhanced System :

  • A button of Import History has been introduced in the findings screen.
  • On clicking the import history button the users would be able to view the history of import.This history will display all the templates that have been imported for the audit.
  • The history will display the following information for each template that has been imported at different periods of time:
    • Total valid records imported during each import process.
    • Total invalid records.
    • Total failed records.
    • Total Ignored records.

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