New and Improved Features
Product Level
Home & Widgets
PMP-70789 LMS Home Page with Widgets
Training ,Sessions & Course
PMP-67558 Add a "Tool Tip" or "Hover Over" for Session and Course explaining naming convention
PMP-66962 Add Employee ID as an additional column
PMP-70722 All Outcome statuses to get moved
PMP-69517 Assigned to Category Field above Session type
PMP-67080 Change the filter type for Training Completion Date
PMP-66997 Configure Prerequisites for each courses
PMP-69802 Gap : Import template -Single occurence update
PMP-69516 Group buttons in Training List and Session List
PMP-69515 Launch and Resume button in List Screen
PMP-52918 Provision of ability to filter the employees by last name in employee picklist
PMP-54379 Provision of adding score to session and outcome import template
PMP-50457 Provision to increase the duration of courses for LMS from 24 hours
PMP-68115 LMS Job Function -Currently stored in DB as Comma Separate which create issue for BI
Single instance for multiple customers
PMP-71777 LMS-Reviqo User able to view Course & instructor of other customers
PMP-70724 LMS Certificate redesign
PMP-54385 Removal of Validations from Sessions name field so that sessions with same name can be created multiple times
PMP-67893: Link Location ID into Job Function in Location Set up
PMP-67556: Reccuring Session - Course Completion Update After Each Session
PMP-71188: Launch Course in browser tab
PMP-66963: Show/Hide Scheduled Training End Date and Session Time
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Location ID not linked with the Job Function
- Job Function created in Location setup when not linked to an Employee becomes available for all locations
- As it is available for all locations, when an employee from a different location gets linked, the job function dissappears from the current location
- Job function dissappears when mapped to an employee
- Design flaw
Enhanced System:
- Job Function created in Location setup will be mapped to that Location
- User would need to map the employee(s) with the Job functions so on selecting the desired Job function linked employee appears in schedule training .
- Note :User need to map the employee with existing job functions ,else this job function would appear for all locations
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impact: No change
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private/Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Only after the completion of the last occurrence can the user update the outcome and score for a recurring session
- Some users complete the training in a single session
- It is not necessary for them to cover three sessions
Enhanced System:
- Score and Status can be updated after one/each occurrence
- Certificate of Completion will also be available after one occurence
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impact: Schedule Training
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Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private/Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User was unable to launch course in LMS which is in form of a Pop Up
- Launch Course in a New Chrome Window or New Chrome Tab instead of iframe pop up.
Please Note : Vivid Course Contents are responsive whereas Convergence Course Contents not mobile responsive
1)The blank pop up screen appears and stays in My Training page which user would manually need to close
2)Same session Course(AICC) launched Once Again during accessing a course in different browser.
- Most of the times the scores are getting updated on system one by one as per the completion of course.
- Sometimes the latest score is updated on VTA environment while PMAP system does not bookmarked the same score. Still Previous score was reflecting on PMAP system.
- Sometimes the latest score is not bookmarked on both VTA as well as on PMAP system. Still it was showing the last updated score.
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: HideScheduledTrainingEndDateandSessionTime (Value Yes / No)
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Enhanced System:
- Configurationaly show/hide Scheduled Training End Date and Session Time from the Training Session Created notification
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA