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The Parameters that include in Traffic in Adoption Portal Module is 


Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. To access the Adoption Portal access Link and Credentials

    1. Select the Default Home Page.
    2. In All Broadcast Events widget, Click on the Enterprise Traffic Usage Dashboard

    3. Click on the link access to Adoption Portal.

  2. Enter you credentials and Sign in.

  3. Select the Enterprise Name from the pick-list
  4. Click on Apply.

  5. Select From & To dates 
  6. Click on Apply.


Field NameDetails/Description
Unique User LoginsIt is the number of users who logged in during the selected period. E.g. In the month of November , User 1 logged in 10 times , User2 logged in 90 times &User3 logged in 100 times , then the Unique User Logins Count is 3 
Total User LoginsIt is the sum total  of all the logins made by all  users during the selected period. E.g. In the month of November , User 1 logged in 10 times , User2 logged in 90 times &User3 logged in 100 times , then the Total User Logins Count is 200 (10+90+100) 
TTMIt stands for Trailing Twelve Months indicated in the closed braces . This is same as Twelve Months Rolling

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