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New and Improved Features 


PMP-88582: Material import option at Corporate level

Existing System

  • Material import option is Location specific.
  • APL doesn't have Material codes based upon Location.


  • Material Lookup has been removed from the Location setup and moved to the Enterprise setup.
  • Admin users will be able to Add, Edit, Delete, Import, Export and Search the Material List from Setup > Enterprise Setup > Material. 

Impacts: No impact

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PMP-88584: PSM implementation for different Incident Types

Existing System

  • Process Safety Management for APL is only applicable for Injury/Illness and Property Damage Incident types. Near Miss Incident type doesn't have PSM implementation.
  • Doesn't allow the existing PSM flow to be used for other Incident Types.


  • The parent question "Did the Incident involve a chemical or chemical process?" would be has been placed underneath the 'Common Questions' section with three options - Yes, No and NA. This question is mandatory and the radio-buttons will not have any default selection.
  • If the response to the parent question - "Did the Incident involve a chemical or chemical process?" is 'Yes', then the PSM related questions will be displayed.

Impacts: No impact


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PMP-88581: Tier type of the Incident to be dependent on APL 754 Questionnaire

Existing System

  • Process Safety Management-I used the combination of Material Code, Release Location & Spillage Quantity to determine the Tier Type of an incident. 


  • Introduce a new additional logic to determine the Tier Type-II Incident.

Enhanced System:

  • The new Logic for Tier-II determination is an additional logic and the existing logic will work as-is for all the cases where the new logic cannot be used to determine Tier Type-II.
  • The PSM questions have been added under the 'Common Questions' section on the 'Investigation Questions' screen.
  • There is a mandatory question under the 'Common Question' sections i.e. "Did the Incident involve a chemical or chemical process?" with three options - Yes, No and NA. If the response to this question is 'Yes' then the following three dependent questions are displayed:
    • Did an employee, contractor, or subcontractor medical treatment case
    • Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost
    • Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $2500 of direct cost
  • An Incident will be categorized as 'Tier Type-II' based on the combination of following question responses shown on the 'Investigation Details' screen.


  1.                                                             AND

  2.       2. Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost = Yes

  3.                                                          OR/AND
  4.      3. Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $2500 of direct cost = Yes

Impacts Impacts: No impacts


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PMP-88583: Tier type determination the basis of Release Temperature

Existing System

  • Tier type of an Incident is determined based on the combination of Material Code, Release Location and Spillage Quantity.
  • 'Hazard Classification (Packing Group)' field is a text field.


  • 'Hazard Classification (Packing Group)' field control has been changed to a Dropdown (without any default selection) in the following sections:
    •  Setup > Enterprise setup > Material > +New
    •  Import Material List template
  • If the Material Code (selected from the picklist on the 'Investigation Questions' screen) has 'Hazard Classification' mentioned as “Based on release temperature threshold quantities needs to be determined”, then a new field i.e. 'Is material released above it's Flash Point?' will be shown on the 'Investigation Details' > 'Common Questions' section.
  • Details of the new field 'Is material released above it's Flash Point?' is given below :
    • Radio-button with values 'Yes' and 'No ' (without any default selection)
    • Non-Mandatory
  • If the response to the question 'Is material released above it’s Flash Point?' is selected as 'No' then the incident will be classified as 'Tier -3' and if it is selected as 'Yes' then the Tier Type would be selected as 'Tier-2' or 'Tier-1' based on the existing logic i.e. combination of Material Code, Release Location and Spillage Quantity.

Impacts: No Impact



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 PMP-87104: Capture Employees who are part of the Investigation team but not user of the system


  • Public/Private: Private
  • Default: No

Existing System: 

  • Investigation responsibilities can be assigned using the "Responsible Team" field (on the Investigation Responsibility screen) which allows to select a list of users of the system. If the investigation team members are not the users of the system, then their names cannot be captured. 
  • There are cases where certain employees also contribute to the investigation, and they are part of Investigation team, but they are not system users.


  • To capture the names of all the employees involved in the investigation process.

Enhanced System:

  • A new auto-complete picklist field - ‘Additional Team’ has been added in the ‘Investigation Responsibility’ screen.
  • ‘Additional Team’ field details:
    • Allows multiple selection
    • Has Show/Hide configuration
    • Non-mandatory for saving
  • Names of ‘Additional Team’ members will be displayed in the ‘Incident Summary’ and ‘Email Incident Summary’ Reports

Impacts: No Impact

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