User Interaction
Implementation :
Please note that the above Auth Token expires after every 120 minutes.
Environment | Base URL | Method |
UAT | GET | |
Production |
Incident Details
Incident Details
GET papi/v1/imsoutbound/propertydamageincidents?locationCode=westlake{locationCode}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&lastSyncedDate={lastSyncedDate}
Ex: papi/v1/imsoutbound/propertydamageincidents?locationCode=westlake&dateFrom=2019-07-01&dateTo=2019-07-30&lastSyncedDate=2019-01-01
Name | Description | Sample |
Authorization | Represents the value of the authentication token. | Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ... |
ConsumerId | Represents the value of the consumer id. | 2426 |
View file | ||
Code Block |
[ { "IncidentID": "sample string", "InternalIncidentIDPropertyDamageIncidentDetails": "sample{ string", "IncidentTitle": "sample string", "LocationCodeIncidentDetails": { "sample string", "Location": "sample string", "IncidentDateIncidentInternalID": "2019-10-06T00:00:00.000Z",US-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-I-0020", "TimeofIncident": "sample string 2", "TimeUndeterminedIncidentIDSystemGenerated": "sample string",US-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-P-0001", "DayOfWeek": "sample string", "JobShiftIncidentTitleSite": "sample string", "TimeWorkDayBegan": "sample string", "hasthePotentialtobeSeriousIncidentType": "sample stringProcess Incident/Property Damage", "DescriptionofIncident": "sample string", "IncidentOccurredonEmployerPremisesLocationCode": "sampleDisney stringStudios", "Department": "sample string", "PinLocationLocation": "sampleDisney stringStudios", "AddressofIncidentLocation": "sample string",}, "CityGeneralDetails": { "sample string", "County": "2019 "DateOfIncident": "2022-10-06T0012T00:00:00.000Z", "Country": "sample string 2", "StateTimeOfIncident": "sample string8:00", "ZipCode": "sample string", "WasAssetinvolvedTimeUndetermined": "sample stringNo", "Assets": [{ "sample string 2"DayOfWeek": "Wednesday", }], "ConfirmSignificancelevelofincidentWorkShift": "sampleMorning stringShift", "WasCorrectiveActioncompleted": "sample string", "ActionItemTitleTimeWorkDayBegan": "2019-10-06T00:006:00.000Z", "ActionTaken": "sample string 2", "PrimaryOwnerIsthisaseriousIncidentorhasthePotentialtobeSerious": "sample stringYes", "AssignedBy": "sample string", "CompletionDateDescriptionofIncident": "samplewall stringdamage", "DateandTimeReportedtoEmployer": "sample string", "WasEmployeeinvolvedintheIncidentOccurredonEmployersPremises": "sample stringYes", "EmployeeDetails": { "PersonnelTypeDepartment": "sample stringPMAP#1", "EmployeeInvolved": "sample string", "EmployeeIdWasAssetinvolved": "sample stringNo", "PayRateType": "sample string", "EmployeeDepartmentAssets": [], "sample string", "Contractor": "sample string", "DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployeeDateReportedtoEmployer": "sample string", 2022-10-12T00:00:00.000Z", "TypeofClientPersonnel": "sample string", "ClientCompanyTimeReportedtoEmployer": "sample string10:55", "NameofContractor": "sample string", "NameofSubContractorSignificance": "sampleLevel string1" } , "WasMachineinvolved": "sample string", }, "MachineNumber": "sample string", "ReviewedbyEHSRepresentativeEmployeeIndividualDetails": [ "sample string", "ReviewDate": "sample string", "Property Damage Incident Details": { "IncidentType": "sample string", "IsthisachargeableIncident "WasanEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident": "sample stringYes", "CauseofIncident": "sample string" } "DamageSummary": { "WascontractorinvolvedintheincidentPersonnelType": "sample stringEmployee", "PleaseprovideContractorDetails": "sample string", "Wasthecontractortrainedoncompanypolicies": "sample string", "Describeanydamagecaused": "sample string", "Describewhatcausedtheincidenttooccur": "sample string", "Describeworkactivitybeingperformedduringincident": "sample string", "Wastheapplicableregulatoryagencynotified": "sample string" } "ArethereanyWitnessesidentified": "sample string", "EmployeeFirstName": "Jim", "NumberofWitnessesEmployeeMiddleName": "sample stringR", "WitnessInformation": [ { "LastNameEmployeeLastName": "Murray"sample, string 2", "FirstName": "sample string 3", "EmployeeId": "000031", "MiddleName": "sample string 4", "NotesPayRateType": "Salary"sample, string 6", "PhoneNumber": "sample string 6", "WitnessrealtiontoProcessMAPEmployeeDepartment": ""sample string 6" } ], } "IncidentStatus": "sample string", "CreatedBy": "sample string"], "CreatedDate": "2019-10-14T11:43:31.517Z", "LastUpdatedDatePropertyDamageIncidentDetails": "2019-10-14T11:47:29.440Z",{ "LastUpdatedBy "IncidentType": "sampleBuilding / string"Vehicle", }] |
JSON Field Mapping with respect to Application Fields :
JSON Field
"IsthisachargeableIncident": "No",
"CauseofIncidentType": "Machine"
"DamageSummary": {
"WasaContractorinvolvedintheIncident": "No",
"PleaseProvideContractorDetails": "",
"WasTheContractorTrainedOnCompanyPolicies": "",
"DescribeAnyDamageCaused": "",
"DescribeWhatCausedtheIncidentToOccur": "",
"DescribeWorkActivityBeingPerformedDuringIncident": "",
"WastheApplicableRegulatoryAgencyNotified": "No"
"WitnessInformation": [
"ArethereanyWitnessesidentified": "No"
"AdditionalIncidentInformation": {
"IncidentStatus": "Investigation Report Incomplete",
"CreatedBy": "John Smith",
"CreatedDate": "2022-10-12T01:31:00.630Z",
"LastUpdatedBy": "John Smith",
"LastUpdatedDate": "10/17/2022 7:39:12 AM"
"InvestigationReport": {
"InvestigationDetails": [
"Did the Incident involve a chemical or chemical process": "Yes",
"Did an employee, contractor, or subcontractor medical treatment case": "Yes",
"Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost ": "Yes",
"Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $2500 of direct cost ": "Yes",
"Material Code": "",
"Release Location": "",
"Is material released above it's Flash Point?": "",
"Spillage Quantity": "",
"Tier Type": {
"Tier Type": "Tier 2",
"Tier 2 Ques": "",
"Tier 1 Ques": "",
"Tier 3 Ques": ""
"Was an asset involved in the Injury of the Employee?": "No",
"Asset ID Number": ""
"Did affected employee(non-injured) voilate work rule?": "Yes",
"Name of employee": ""
"Did the incident result in a fire?": "Yes",
"Who Reported the Fire?": "",
"Senior Fire Brigade Officer": "",
"Was the fire alarm sounded?": "Yes",
"Was the plant evacuated?": "Yes",
"Was the Fire Department called?": {
"Was the Fire Department called?": "Yes",
"who called?": ""
"How many hand extinguishers were used?": "",
"How many wheeled extinguishers used?": "",
"How many hose lines were used?": "",
"Did the sprinklers operate?": {
"Did the sprinklers operate?": "No",
"How many?": "",
"Which risers?": ""
"Is the alarm system back in service?": "No",
"Have all extinguishers and hoses been replaced?": "No",
"Is the sprinkler system back in service?": "No",
"What is the plant Temperature?": "",
"What is the plant humidity?": "",
"Post Inspection Details:": ""
"Is the damage to the property significant to restrict access?": "Yes",
"What steps are being taken to ensure no unauthorized access?": ""
"Is the damage significant enough to create a security risk to the facility?": "Yes",
"Please describe what steps are being taken to secure the area?": ""
"ContributingFactors": [
"Contributing Factor Type (Parent)": "Computer or IT Theft",
"ContributingFactors": [
"Computer Theft"
"Comments": ""
"whymethodology": [],
"RootCauseAnalysis": [],
"FinalRootCause": []
"ActionItems": [],
"ManagementReview": []
] |
JSON Field Mapping with respect to Application Fields :
JSON Field | ProcessMAP System Field |
IncidentID | Incident ID (System Generated) |
InternalIncidentID | |
IncidentTitle | Incident Title/Site |
LocationCode | Location Code |
Location | |
IncidentDate | Date of Incident |
TimeofIncident | Time of Incident |
TimeUndetermined | |
DayOfWeek | Day Of Week |
JobShift | Job Shift |
TimeWorkDayBegan | Time Work Day Began |
hasthePotentialtobeSerious | Is this a serious Incident or has the Potential to be Serious? |
DescriptionofIncident | Description of Incident |
IncidentOccurredonEmployerPremises | Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises |
Department | |
PinLocation | |
AddressofIncidentLocation | Address of Incident Location |
City | City |
County | County |
Country | Country |
State | State/Province |
ZipCode | Postal Code/Zip Code |
WasAssetinvolved | Was Asset involved? |
Assets | Select Asset(s) |
DateandTimeReportedtoEmployer | Date & Time Reported to Employer |
ConfirmSignificancelevelofincident | Confirm Significance Level of Incident |
EmployeeDetails | Employee / Individual Details |
WasEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident | Was an Employee / Individual involved in the Incident? |
PersonnelType | Personnel Type |
EmployeeInvolved | Employee / Individual Involved( Last, First, M.I.) |
EmployeeId | Employee Id |
PayRateType | Pay Rate Type |
EmployeeDepartment | Employee / Individual Department |
Contractor | Contractor |
DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployee | Do you want to further classify Unsupervised Contract Employee |
TypeofClientPersonnel | Type of Client Personnel |
ClientCompany | Client Company |
NameofContractor | Name of Contractor |
NameofSubContractor | Name of SubContractor |
WasMachineinvolved | |
MachineNumber | |
ReviewedbyEHSRepresentative | |
ReviewDate | |
PropertyDamageIncidentDetails | Property Damage Incident Details |
IncidentType | Incident Type |
IsthisachargeableIncident | Is this a chargeable Incident |
CauseofIncident | Cause of Incident |
DamageSummary | Damage Summary |
Wascontractorinvolvedintheincident | Was contractor involved in the incident |
PleaseprovideContractorDetails | Please provide Contractor Details |
Wasthecontractortrainedoncompanypolicies | Was the contractor trained on company policies |
Describeanydamagecaused | Describe any damage caused |
Describewhatcausedtheincidenttooccur | Describe what caused the incident to occur |
Describeworkactivitybeingperformedduringincident | Describe work activity being performed during incident |
Wastheapplicableregulatoryagencynotified | Was the applicable regulatory agency notified |
WitnessInformation | Witness Information |
ArethereanyWitnessesidentified | Are there any Witnesses identified |
NumberofWitnesses | Number of Witnesses |
LastName | LastName |
FirstName | FirstName |
MiddleName | MiddleName |
Notes | Notes |
PhoneNumber | Phone Number |
WitnessrealtiontoProcessMAP | Witness Relation to ProcessMAP |
InvestigationResponsibility | |
Salutation | Salutation |
FirstName | First Name |
LastName | Last Name |
TargetCompletionDate | Target Completion Date |
Note | Note |
NotifyImmediateSupervisor | Notify Immediate Supervisor |
InvestigationDetails | |
All questions | |
ContributingFactors | |
ContributingFactorType | Contributing Factor Type |
ContributingFactors | Contributing Factors |
Comments | Comments |
5WhyMethodology | |
SelectActionorConditionthatmayhavedirectlycausedincident | Select Action or Condition that may have directly caused incident |
Whys | Whys |
RootCauseStatement | |
RootcauseType | Root cause Type |
RootCause | Root Cause |
Comments | Comments |
FinalRootCauseStatement | |
FinalRootCauseStatement | Final Root Cause Statement |
PrimaryCountermeasure | Primary Counter measure |
PrimaryRootCause | Primary Root Cause |
Action Items | |
SourceID | Source ID |
SourceTitle | Source Title |
ActionItemTitle | Action Item Title |
ActionItemCategory | Action Item Category |
ActionItemType | Action Item Type |
RootCause | Root Cause |
ActionItemDescription | Action Item Description |
ActionItemPriority | Action Item Priority |
ActionItemDueDate | Action Item Due Date |
Owners | Owner |
ResponsibleDepartment | Responsible Department |
Countermeasure | Countermeasure |
ApplicabletoExpansion | Applicable to Expansion? |
DescriptionofActionstobeExpanded | Description of Actions to be Expanded * |
ApplicabletoEEMEPMInfo | Applicable to EEM/EPM Info? |
EEMEPMInfoSubmitted | EEM/EPM Info Submitted? |
DocumentNumber | Document Number * |
AssignedBy | Assigned By |
Verificationrequired | Verification required |
VerifyUser | Verify User |
ApprovalStatus | Approval Status |
Approvers | Approvers |
ApprovalComment | Approval Comment |
ApprovalDate | Approval Date |
ActionItemStatus | Action Item Status |
ActionTaken | Action Taken |
ActionitemCompletedBy | Action item Completed By |
ActionitemCompletedDate | Action item Completed Date |
DueDateExtension | Due Date Extension |
RequestedDueDateExtension | Requested Due Date Extension |
ReasonforDueDateExtension | Reason for Due Date Extension |
DueDateExtensionRequestApproved | Due Date Extension Request Approved? |
ReasonfornotextendingtheDueDate. | Reason for not extending the DueDate. |
VerificationStatus | Verification Status |
VerificationPerformed | Verification Performed |
VerifiedBy | Verified By |
VerificationDate | Verification Date |
Comments | Comments |
CapitalExpenditureinvolved | Capital Expenditure involved |
Approximatecost | Approximate cost |
EstimatedBudget | Estimated Budget |
Additional Information | |
IncidentStatus | |
CreatedBy | |
CreatedDate | |
LastUpdatedDate | |
LastUpdatedBy |