New and Improved Features
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PMP-71910 Address reoccuring session gaps and design flowflaw
PMP-74770 LMS My Training widget changes & employee summary widget changes
Anchor#PMP71910 #PMP71910
PMP-71910 Address reoccuring session gaps and design flaw
#PMP71910 | |
#PMP71910 |
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Multiple record by reccuring would appear
Existing System:
- Single record for multiple reccuring sessions in My Training ,Schedule Training and My Training Widgets
- User need to click on update which further redirects user to training calendar ,where they updated the score and outcome
- Repeat session field enabled during both add and edit
- For recurring VTA session , its not updating score and outcome correctly for each occurence
- Last updated score overwrites the previous score in reoccuring session
- The status column shows Update even after all recurrence sessions are completed
- Repeat session on being editable during edit would allow lot of human error
Enhanced System:
- By occurence Session records would appear in My Training ,Schedule Training and My Training Widgets
- Each occurence session will be marked with reoccurence sequence starting from 1 based on the start and end date
- Independently each reccurence session would have separate score ,certificate and outcome like non reccuring sessions
- Completion of each reccurence would mark the status as complete
- This is applicable for both VTA and non VTA courses
- My Training and Schedule training will default Load Previous and Current month data
- Repeat session field will be available only while creating a session .It will be restricted during edit .New label will be added mentioning the same
- Existing Data: existing data would be corrected .By occurence record to appear All session column in Training progress summary is same as All course column ,hence would be hidden .Moreover it shows errorneous data on click
- Existing Data: For now we are inactivating old exist recurring sessions records . Based on customer request those records will be activated with proper correction script.
- Impacts: My training ,Schedule training , LMS widgets ,End date will not appear in notification(temp fix)
- Out of Scope (20.3) : Mobile , BI , Reports , Taining Calendar
: I want to create 3 recurring training sessions for Me and my Direct Reportee on Manufacter safety course
- Course - Manufacturer Safety (Non VTA)
- Session - Manufacturer Safety -Grade A
- Employee – Chitra Pattnaik(Supervisor) , Charlie Menon(Reportee)
- Start date – 4 Dec 12
- Recurring – 5 3 Occurrence
- Occurrence:
- Occ 1 –
- 12th Dec
- Occ 2 –
- 13th Dec
- Occ 3 –
- Occ 4 – 7th Dec
- Occ 5 – 8th Dec
- 14th Dec
My Training
Schedule Training
LMS Widgets
Update Outcome
My Training
View Session
Anchor #PMP74770 #PMP74770
PMP-74770 LMS My Training widget changes &
#PMP74770 | |
#PMP74770 |
Employee summary widget changes
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Both VTA and Non VTA course to appear in My Training widget
Existing System:
- My Training Widget displays only VTA courses
- Employee Summary widget employee name information missing
- My Training Widget will show both VTA and Non VTA records
- VTA will show Launch , Resume option.Upon clicking will open the third party window as earlier(no change in scope)
- Non VTA will show view course document .Upon clicking would redirect to course attachmentThis would be text search
- Order of Data in View All (older records to appear first)
- Overdue
- Incomplete
- Open
- Did not attend
- Complete
- Existing Data: NA would appear in widget
- Impacts: NA
Clicking on View Course Documents :