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Users will be able to create a new IH sample. 

titleBusiness Rules
  • Sample details should have been created and saved.
  • Depending on the specific Company business rules, the selection of certain fields may or may not be mandatory.

Step-by-step Instructions:


  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Industrial Hygiene menu item.
  3. Click on the Manage Sample menu item.
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  4. Click on the IH Log Number hyperlink.
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  5. In Sample Equipment field, Click on the Add button.
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  6. In Calibration Equipment ID field and select Noise Calibrator from the pick list.
  7. Complete all the fields and Click on the Save button.
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    Sample Equipment Details
    Sample Equipment Details

    This field will default to the current location and picklist of Equipment details is only associated with Default Location

     i. Corporate – This is equipment managed by the Corporate Team
    ii. Borrowed from Other Site – This is equipment shared from other location (user must know what location to select appropriate equipment)
    iii. Contractor – No equipment details are required based on this selection
    titleSample Equipment Information
    Monitoring Equipment Owned By
    Chemical Samples
    • Environmental condition would appear only in chemical sample and should not appear in Physical sample
    • In sample Equipment Page, Under Sample Activity Detail section. A field "Would you like to capture environment requirement?" will be appeared .
      1. If we Select Yes radio button.
      2. A new section, Environmental Conditions will be avalable. 

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    titleEquipment Details

    Field Description
    Air Monitoring Equipment
    IDEquipment Type
    ID Air Monitoring Equipment Type should be selected from the pick list.
    Air Monitoring Equipment NameSystem will auto-populated
    ManufacturerSystem will auto-populated
    ModelSystem will auto-populated
    SerialSystem will auto-populated
    Was a Size selective Sampler Used

    It has two

    options Yes & No.

    Yes : Size Selective Sampler should be mentioned.

    No : No need to mention



    2. No

    If the user selects Yes then the user will be required to Provide the Size of the Selective Sampler.

    titleCalibration Equipment Details

    Field Description
    Calibration Equipment IDCalibration Equipment Type should be selected from the pick list.
    Calibration NameSystem will auto-populated
    ManufacturerSystem will auto-populated
    ModelSystem will auto-populated
    SerialSystem will auto-populated
    Date of Last Factory / Traceable CalibrationSystem will auto-populated
    Factory / Traceable Calibration Valid UntilSystem will auto-populated

    titleSample Calibration Details

    Field Description
    Flow RateUnits of the flow rate is to be selected
    Pre Calibration DateStart of the Calibration Date.
    Post Calibration DateEnd of the Calibration Date.
    Pre Calibration Flow RateFlow Rate before starting of Calibration.
    Post Calibration Flow RateFlow Rate at the end
    of the Calibration.
    Pre Post Calibration Difference (%)System will auto-populated
    Average Flow RateSystem will auto-populated
    Total VolumeSystem will auto-populated

    titleSample Activity Details

    Field Description
    Associated BlankSelect the Associated Blank from the pick list.
    Shift LengthSelect the
    Length (in Hours) of the shift
    Analyte OEL Adjustment

    Select the appropriate Option of :

    Day Shift Adjustment or No Shift Adjustment

    Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shiftSelect the appropriate Option of : Yes or No
    Split Sample

    If the Sample has to be

    slipt then

    split then check the check box 

    If not leave it as blank

    Period of sample Start TimeStart time of the Sample in (HH/MM)
    End TimeEnd time of the Sample in (HH/MM)
    Media1Select the Media from the pick list
    Media Lot/Serial NumberMedia Lot/Serial Number should be mentioned
    Calculated TimeSystem will auto-populated
    Override Calculated Time?

    It has two options 


    2. No


    Yes is selected : Then Official time should be mentioned

    If No is Selected : Nothing to mention. 


Field Information Table

  1.  the user selects Yes then the user will be required to enter Official time.


    Field Description
    Was a respirator and/or hearing protection used at the time of sampling? (Answering "No" will impact Risk Rating for Samples above Limit)Select the appropriate Option of : Yes or No
    Personal Protection EquipmentSelect the Personal Protection Equipment from the pick list.
    CommentsIf any Comments regarding Personal Protection Equipment should be mentioned here.
    Administrative ControlsSelect the Administrative Controls from the pick list.
    CommentsIf any Comments regarding Administrative Controls should be mentioned here.
    Engineering ControlsSelect the Engineering Controls from the pick list.
    CommentsIf any Comments regarding Engineering Controls should be mentioned here.
    Were Face Velocity Measurements taken at the time of capturing Chemical Sampling?Select the appropriate Option of : Yes or No

    titleEnvironmental Conditions

    Field Description
    Time Time should be mentioned in (HH - MM - AM/PM)
    Temperature (F)Temperature should be mentioned in Fahrenheit
    Humidity (%)The Humidity (%) should be mentioned 
    Wind DirectionDirection of the Wind
    Wind Speed (Ft/sec) Speed of the Wind
    Barometric Pressure (mmHg)Barometric Pressure should be mentioned
    Additional Location ConditionsIf any Additional Location Conditions are there then that should be mentioned 

    titleEnvironmental Conditions

    Field Description
    Time Time should be mentioned in (HH - MM - AM/PM)
    Temperature (F)Temperature should be mentioned in Fahrenheit
    Humidity (%)The Humidity (%) should be mentioned 
    Wind DirectionDirection of the Wind
    Wind Speed (Ft/sec) Speed of the Wind
    Barometric Pressure (mmHg)Barometric Pressure should be mentioned
    Additional Location ConditionsIf any Additional Location Conditions are there then that should be mentioned 

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