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I have paper / spreadsheet based audit / Inspection checklist I would fill out simultaneously while conducting audit / inspection. But there is no way to assign action plans for the findings or observations during the process and have to manually follow up.

📖 App Capabilities

  1. Ability to create a Library of questions and protocols

  2. Ability to create new Inspections / Audits with few clicks and with an option for recurrence.

  3. Setting alerts & reminders for auditors/inspections for timely completion

  4. Easier way to track the current status of any Audit / Inspection

  5. Ability to create Adhoc audit without protocol and only with findings.

🤩 Niche Features

  1. Imports feature to import questions from spreadsheet for creating questions library.

  2. Mobile friendliness while conducting online/offline audits/inspections.

  3. Scoring system based on responses against each questionnaire

  4. Print friendly report with all audit/inspection details.

  5. Copying an existing Audit/Inspection without copying results.

🚶‍♂️ Walkthroughs:

titleBasic Walkthrough

Conducting Audit/Inspection

  1. Once you login to site, click on the Audit Management Icon on the homepage

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    You would land on to a page that has the scheduled audits, click on the appropriate audit/inspection

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    System would land you on to the questionnaire page, where you see all the inspection checklist or audit questionnaires

  4. Use the response dropdown against each of the to provide your response.

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    In case of a non-preferred answer, system would ask you to create finding, click on the red icon to open up the findings screen

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  6. Fill out the form and save it, system does gives you an option to create an Action Item for the finding too.

  7. In case you need to create an action item for a finding, then respond to the question “Create Action Item” in the finding screen, then fill out the action item form and save the whole form.

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  8. Now the red icon will be green indicating that finding step is complete.

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    Repeat the same for rest of the questions.

titleAdvanced Walkthrough

Before we move on to creating audits or inspections, we would have to understand the common classification we have for questions, protocols & audits. This classification is Corporate and Site

Corporate : When an entity is supposed to be used across whole organization , then it needs to be classified as Corporate type.

Site : When an entity is supposed to be used in specific facilities of an organization , then it needs to be classified as Site type.

E.g. ISO Audit questions apply to all locations, so we mark it as “Corporate” type but Forklift audit question does not apply to corporate offices, as it is specific to few types of facilities. So we classify it as “Site”.

Now we can move on to the two major steps whose outcome would be used to create audits/inspection. These are

  1. Uploading Questions

  2. Grouping these questions in Protocol

These steps can only be performed specific users (Admins)

Uploading Questions

  1. Once logged in, click on the “Modules > Audit Management > Manage Audit Questions”

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  2. Click on New button, this will open up Questions form. Fill out the initial form and hit save button.

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  3. Once initial form of the question is saved, click on the Responses tab and fill out the responses for the question and their type. Once filled, click on the save button.

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Grouping questions into Protocol

  1. Click on the “Modules > Audit Management > Manage Audit Protocols”

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  2. Click on “New”, fill out the form and click “Save” button.

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  3. Then click on “Question Sections”, click on “New” button to open up form that will let you select the questions section / question that you created in previous step.

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    Note : System will automatically pull all the questions under the selected question category

  4. New questions can we added, sequenced or existing questions can be removed.

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Now that we have setup questions and protocols, we can create Audit/Inspection Program

Creating a Audit/Inspection with Basic Setup

  1. Make sure you are on a location/facility in navigator and click on Audit Management icon in home

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  2. Click on “New” button, this will open up the form in “Basic Setup” , select the protocol you created or any other existing protocol and click on “Perform Audit” button.

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    This would land you on to the questionnaire page, you can select the “Manage Audits” from breadcrumb to go back to the list screen.

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Creating a Audit/Inspection with Advanced Setup

  1. Make sure you are on a location/facility in navigator and click on Audit Management icon in home

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  2. Click on “New” button, this will open up the form in “Basic Setup” , now select the “Advanced Setup” option

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  3. Make sure you are on a location/facility in navigator and click on Audit Management icon in home

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  4. Click on “New” button, this will open up the form in “Basic Setup” , select the protocol you created or any other existing protocol and click on “Perform Audit” button.

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  5. This would open up additional questions such as type of audit/inspection, recurrences and advanced details section. Once filled, click on “Save and Next”.

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  6. Add new status to the Audit/inspection incase your organization has any other status other than “Audit Scheduled” and “Audit Closed”

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    Once added, click on “Save and Next”, this will open up Lead Auditor/Team Member section. Select the lead and members and then click on “Save and Next”

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    Now you would land on to the notifications section , where you can setup alerts and reminders for the audit.

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    This would complete the steps of creating audit/inspection with advanced mode.

Copying existing Audit/Inspection

  1. System gives an option to copy an existing audit/inspection instance, without copying the responses of the question.

  2. Click on the audit/inspection that you need to make a copy of and then click on “Copy” button.

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    This would create a copy of the existing program without copying responses/results from original program.

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    Click on the copied program Audit ID, click on the Audit Setup Tab > Program Details , this will open up the program details. You can rename the program if needed and click on save button.

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🔩 Field Details and Configurability




Field Name




Field Type




Configuration Details


Audit Program Details


Schedule Audit With


This field allows user to choose whether he wants to create a new audit or whether he wants to select a predefined template for creating an audit.
 Based on custom setting the user will see the basic audit feature


Radio button






Select Audit template


The picklist Select Audit Template is to be displayed only when the user selects Use Audit Template




Yes. Based on selection of "Use Audit Template" this field is to be displayed






Allows users to select the type of audit


Radio Button


Based on template selection this fields and all subsequent fields below is t be populated




Name of Audit Program


Captures the name to be given to the audit program


Text Box






Audit Program Start Date


Signifies start date of the audit program


Date Picker




  1. Supports Show/Hide for time fields

  2. Supports default value


Audit Program End Date


Signifies end date of the audit program


Date Picker




  1. Supports Show/Hide for time fields

  2. Supports default value




Allows users to select the sub-type of audit as either Department, Asset, Contractor and Employee. 


Radio Button


Displayed only when audit type is site






Allows users to select the assets




Assets are displayed based on the locations selected


  1. Supports Show/Hide




Allows users to select the Contractor


Auto Search 


Contractor are displayed based on location scope


  1. Supports Show/Hide




Allows users to select the departments




Departments are displayed based on the locations selected


  1. Supports Show/Hide




Allows users to select the employees




Employees are displayed based on the locations selected.


  1. Supports Show/Hide


Recurring Audit


Allows users to select whether the audit is recurring or non recurring


Radio Button






Recurrence Pattern


Allows users to select the recurrence pattern. Daily Weekly monthly or yearly


Radio Button






Repeat Until


Allows users to select the repeat until. Default is on No End Date.


Radio Button






Recurrence Summary


This is not a label but a summary display of the recurrence pattern








Protocol Driven


Captures whether the audit is protocol driven or not


Radio Button




  1. Suppot Default Value


Select Protocol


If the audit is protocol driven this field allows to choose the protocol




Select Protocol is dependent on Protocol Driven field, i.e., this will be display only when protocol driven selected as 'Yes'




Audit Program Type


Captures the type/category of the Audit




Yes. Based on the protocol selection the audit program type will get autopopulated.


  1. Supports Show/Hide


Lead Auditor(s)


Captures the Lead Auditor(s) for Site Audit




Visible only if the Audit Type is Site




Audit Team Member(s)


Captures the Audit Team Member(s) for Site Audit




Visible only if the Audit Type is Site




Contact/Responsible Person(s)


Captures contact person information for the site audits


Picklist - Multi


Yes, On Site Audit


  1. Supports Show/Hide


Audit Category


Captures the Audit Category




Audit Category is dependent on Protocol Driven field, i.e., this will be display only when protocol driven selected as 'No'




Audit Area To Be Audited


Displays the list of audit areas to be audited based on audit category.


Selection Box


Displayed if Protocol Driven field is Yes.
Values are auto-populated based on the Audit Category selected. 




Select Location


Allows the user to select the location of audit








Automatically Set Program Status As "Audit Closed" When Questionnaire Is Complete


User can automatically set program status as closed


Radio Button 




  1. Supports Show/Hide












Additional Details


Who Is This Audit For?




Radio Button


Yes, On "Sub Type", if Department is selected


  1. Supports Show/Hide


Employee(s) Involved






Yes, On "Who is this audit for?" if Employee is selected




Contractor(s) Involved






Yes, On "Who is this audit for?" if Contractor is selected




Subcontractor(s) Involved




Text Box


Yes, On "Who is this audit for?" if Contractor is selected














Advanced Details


Enable Security


Radio button used to choose the type of security


Radio Buttons




  1. Suppot Default Value


Require Action Items To Be Verified


If answered yes this field would make it mandatory to verify action items


Radio Buttons




  1. Suppot Default Value


Create Findings while responding Audit Questions


If the response to the field is at yes then the finding icon would be displayed in the questionnaire


Radio Buttons


Displayed only for protocol audits.


  1. Supports Show/Hide

  2. Suppot Default Value


Require Root Cause Analysis for Findings


If the response to the field is at Yes then the root cause icon will be displayed in the questionnaire.


Radio Buttons


if the response to the preceding field is at no then this field will be kept at no and made read only.


  1. Supports Show/Hide

  2. Suppot Default Value


Enable Inter Location Audit Findings Applicability Review for this audit(Read Across Findings)?


Based on the election in this field the read across findings field and buttons in the findings details page will be anbled


Radio Button




  1. Supports Show/Hide


Close Findings When All Action Items Are Closed


If answered yes the findings will be closed once action items associated with that finding are closed


Radio Buttons




  1. Suppot Default Value


Perform Risk Assessment To Determine If Action Item Is Required


If answered Yes, Risk Assessment will enable in Finding Detail to determine if Action Item is required.


Radio Buttons




  1. Supports Show/Hide

  2. Suppot Default Value


Enforce Question Comment If Response Type Is


Option is provided for Admin to enforce comment for applicable program


Check Box




  1. Supports Show/Hide


Is this an Attorney Client Priviledged Audit




Radio Buttons




  1. Supports Show/Hide




Short description of the Audit program


Text Box








Signifies the current status of the Audit


















Program Status Setup




Captures the name of the status of audit during the entire lifecycle of the audit








Select user


Captures who all can change the status of the Audit. The values in the picklist will be displayed as per the permissions. Only if the user has permission for a type of audit will he be visible in this picklist










Captures the current status of the corresponding status










User can set the sequence of the status of audit


















Audit Program Security




Signifies roles associated with Corporate Audits Module




If Response to "Enable security" field is "Program Level", then this tab would show up




Select User


Users selected to give particular permissions




If Response to "Enable security" field is "Program Level", then this tab would show up














Lead Auditor/Team Member


Select Location


One or more locations at which the audit is to be done








Select Type of Auditor


Captures the role of the Auditor








Select Lead Auditor/Select Audit Team Member


Employees to be assigned to the role selected in the above field.


Selection list
















Notification Setup




Capture the type of Notification - Event, Audit Alert, Audit Reminder, Finding Alert and Finding Reminder.








Notification Set Name


Name given to a set of new notifications


Text Box


















Event Notifications




Current status of the notification set










One or more events which will trigger the notifications








Status of Event


Current status of the event








Immediate Notification 


Captures names of users who will get immediate notifications once the corresponding status changes or is reached.








Daily Notification 


Captures names of users who will get Daily notifications once the corresponding status changes or is reached.




















First Alert/Reminder Date <> After/Before <>


This field would capture the logic when the notification would trigger


Composite Dropdown






Notify Every <> Until/After <>


This field would capture the repeat patter logic for the notification


Composite Dropdown








This field would capture who should be notified








Selected Users for Notification


This field would give users to select from user from user picklist in addition to Notify








Notify Others


This field would give users to specify user mail Id's for notification


















Audit Attachment




Title to be given to the attachment


Text Box






Uploaded by


User who uploaded the attachment


Text Box






Date Uploaded


Date of upload








Modified By


User who modified the attachment recently


Text Box






Modified Date


Date of Modified


Text Box








Short description of the attachment


Text Area


