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Step-by-step guide


  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Risk Assessment menu item.
  3. Click on the Manage menu item.
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  4. Click on the Risk Assessment Title hyperlink.
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  5. Click on the Tasks/Hazards menu item.
  6. Click on the Name of Hazard title hyperlink.
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  7. In Risk Raing Rating section, click on the Add button.
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  8. In Risk Rating Details section, Select Yes for "Are there Existing Controls?" field.
  9. Complete remaining all the fields and Click click on the Save button.

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    10. Provides option in the confirmation message to stay on the same screen (click Cancel button) or navigate back to Hazard Details screen (click on OK button).Image Removed

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    • If the risk rating is high or critical the value of create creating action item would be placed at Yes and made a non-editable field. Hence on entering a rating with high or critical the users would be enforced to create action items without which users would not be able to save the risk ratings.
    • On entering the risk rating as high or critical the response to the field "Are the proposed controls adequate" will also be defaulted to No.
    • Also in the import tool, the system will restrict the import of any risk rating if the rating is high/critical and an action item has not been entered.

    title20.1 Update

    Provide additional field in Hazard Details screen to suffice the need to capturing different additional information

    •  4 new fields added. All the fields have Show/Hide and Mandatory/Optional configuration
      1. Field Name: Hazard Category (with Look-up value)
        1. Type: Auto Complete
        2. Single selection
      2. Field Name: Probable Consequences (with Look-up value)
        1. Type: Auto Complete
        2. Multiple selections
      3. Field Name: Type of Employee exposed
        1. Foundation Personnel Type as a data source. No UI 
        2. Type: Auto Complete
        3. Multiple selections
      4. Field Name: Number of Employees
        1. Type: Text Box
        2. Only Numeric entry

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