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View file
nameIMS PD JSON Response


Code Block
        "IncidentIDPropertyDamageIncidentDetails": "sample string",
	"InternalIncidentID": "sample string",{
            	"IncidentTitleIncidentDetails": "sample string",{
        "LocationCode": "sample string",      "LocationIncidentInternalID": "sample stringUS-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-I-0020",
     "IncidentDate": "2019-10-06T00:00:00.000Z",           "TimeofIncidentIncidentIDSystemGenerated": "sample string 2US-DISNEY STUDIOS-22_23-P-0001",
     "TimeUndetermined": "sample string",           "DayOfWeekIncidentTitleSite": "sample string",
     "JobShift": "sample string",           "TimeWorkDayBeganIncidentType": "sample stringProcess Incident/Property Damage",
      "hasthePotentialtobeSerious": "sample string",
	          "DescriptionofIncidentLocationCode": "sampleDisney stringStudios",
          "IncidentOccurredonEmployerPremises      "Location": "sampleDisney stringStudios",
       "Department": "sample string", 	     "PinLocation": "sample string",},
            "AddressofIncidentLocationGeneralDetails": "sample string",{
        "City": "sample string",      "CountyDateOfIncident": "20192022-10-06T0012T00:00:00.000Z",
     "Country": "sample string 2",           "StateTimeOfIncident": "sample string8:00",
        "ZipCode": "sample string",      "WasAssetinvolvedTimeUndetermined": "sample stringNo",
      "Assets": [{         "sample string 2"DayOfWeek": "Wednesday",
    }],      "ConfirmSignificancelevelofincident": "sample string",      "DateandTimeReportedtoEmployerWorkShift": "sampleMorning stringShift",
     "WasEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident           "TimeWorkDayBegan": "sample string6:00",
	   	"EmployeeDetails":  	 { 	         "PersonnelTypeIsthisaseriousIncidentorhasthePotentialtobeSerious": "sample stringYes",
	      	  "EmployeeInvolved": "sample string", 	   	  "EmployeeIdDescriptionofIncident": "samplewall stringdamage",
 	   	  "PayRateType": "sample string",
	       	  "EmployeeDepartmentOccurredonEmployersPremises": "sample stringYes",
	      	  "Contractor": "sample string", 	   	  "DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployeeDepartment": "sample stringPMAP#1",
 	     	  "TypeofClientPersonnel": "sample string", 	   	  "ClientCompanyWasAssetinvolved": "sample stringNo",
	      	  "NameofContractor": "sample string", 	   	  "NameofSubContractorAssets": "sample string"
	} ,
                	"WasMachineinvolvedDateReportedtoEmployer": "sample string2022-10-12T00:00:00.000Z",
	    	"MachineNumber": "sample string", 	   	"ReviewedbyEHSRepresentative": "sample string", 	   	"ReviewDateTimeReportedtoEmployer": "sample string10:55",
	   	"Property Damage Incident Details":
	             "IncidentTypeSignificance": "sampleLevel string",
		"IsthisachargeableIncident": "sample string",
		"CauseofIncident": "sample string"
            "WascontractorinvolvedintheincidentEmployeeIndividualDetails": "sample string",
		"PleaseprovideContractorDetails": "sample string",
		"Wasthecontractortrainedoncompanypolicies": "sample string",
		"Describeanydamagecaused": "sample string",
		"Describewhatcausedtheincidenttooccur": "sample string",
		"Describeworkactivitybeingperformedduringincident": "sample string",
		"Wastheapplicableregulatoryagencynotified": "sample string"
                    "WasanEmployeeinvolvedintheIncident": "Yes",
                    "PersonnelType": "Employee",
                    "EmployeeFirstName": "Jim",
                    "EmployeeMiddleName": "R",
                    "EmployeeLastName": "Murray",
                    "EmployeeId": "000031",
                    "PayRateType": "Salary",
                    "EmployeeDepartment": ""
            "PropertyDamageIncidentDetails": {
                "IncidentType": "Building / Vehicle",
                "IsthisachargeableIncident": "No",
                "CauseofIncidentType": "Machine"
            "DamageSummary": {
                "WasaContractorinvolvedintheIncident": "No",
                "PleaseProvideContractorDetails": "",
                "WasTheContractorTrainedOnCompanyPolicies": "",
                "DescribeAnyDamageCaused": "",
                "DescribeWhatCausedtheIncidentToOccur": "",
                "DescribeWorkActivityBeingPerformedDuringIncident": "",
                "WastheApplicableRegulatoryAgencyNotified": "No"
            "WitnessInformation": [
                    "ArethereanyWitnessesidentified": "No"
            "AdditionalIncidentInformation": {
                "IncidentStatus": "Investigation Report Incomplete",
                "CreatedBy": "John Smith",
                "CreatedDate": "2022-10-12T01:31:00.630Z",
                "ArethereanyWitnessesidentifiedLastUpdatedBy": "sampleJohn stringSmith",
       "NumberofWitnesses":      "sample string",  "LastUpdatedDate": "10/17/2022 7:39:12  AM"WitnessInformation":
    [ {       }
   "LastName": "sample string 2",  },
        "FirstNameInvestigationReport": "sample{
string 3",           "MiddleNameInvestigationDetails": "sample string 4",[
           "Notes": "sample string 6", 		  		 "PhoneNumber": "sample string 6", {
            "WitnessrealtiontoProcessMAP": "sample string 6"     "Did }the ],Incident involve a chemical or chemical "IncidentStatusprocess": "sample stringYes",
     "CreatedBy": "sample string",               "CreatedDate": "2019-10-14T11:43:31.517Z",

    "LastUpdatedDate": "2019-10-14T11:47:29.440Z",Did an employee, contractor, or subcontractor medical treatment case": "Yes",
      "LastUpdatedBy": "sample string"     , 	 	"InvestigationReport": {      "InvestigationResponsibility": {
		"ResponsibleTeam": [
Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost ": "Yes",
           {         "Did a fire or explosion damage greater than or equal to $2500 of direct  cost "Salutation": " Yes",
                        "FirstName"Material Code": "Satish",
                    "Release    Location"LastName": "Korupol"
            "TargetCompletionDate": "2020-04-30T00:00:00.000Z",       "Is material released above it's Flash Point?"Note": null"",
              "NotifyImmediateSupervisor      "Spillage Quantity": "Y"
             "InvestigationDetails": [], 	     "ContributingFactorsTier Type": [ 		{
                     		   "ContributingFactorTypeTier Type": "Tier "Computer # IT Theft",
                        "ContributingFactorsTier 2 Ques": 
      [ 		       "Computer Theft"         "Tier 1 Ques": ]"",
                     		    "Comments"Tier 3 Ques": "opiuy"
		        "5WhyMethodology": [ 		{  }
          "SelectActionorConditionthatmayhavedirectlycausedincident":  			    [},
   "Computer Theft"                "Was ],an asset involved in the Injury of the Employee?": "No",
            			    "Whys": [   "Asset ID Number": ""
 {               {
             "Why or what created the scenario above to"Did affect the action or conditionaffected employee(non-injured) voilate work rule?": "conditionYes",
                    "Name of employee": ""
},                },
        {        {
                    "Why or what created the scenario above to affect the action or condition": "condition"Did the incident result in a fire?": "Yes",
                    "Who Reported the Fire?": "",
          },          "Senior Fire Brigade Officer": "",
          {          "Was the fire alarm sounded?": "Yes",
             "Why or what created the scenario above to"Was affect the action or conditionplant evacuated?": "conditionYes",
                    "Was the Fire  },
Department called?": {
                       { "Was the Fire Department         called?": "Yes",
               "Why or what created the scenario above to affect the action or condition"who called?": "condition"
                    "How many hand extinguishers {were        used?": "",
                    "WhyHow ormany whatwheeled created the scenario above to affect the action or conditionextinguishers used?": "condition",
                    "How many hose lines  }were used?": "",
                    "Did the sprinklers operate?": {
                        "FinalDid Rootthe Causesprinklers Checkedoperate?": "YesNo",
 "How many?": "",
                  ]      "Which risers?": ""
		],     "RootCauseStatement":  	[         { },
           "RootcauseType": "Behavioral Factor's",       "Is the alarm system back in service?"RootCause": ["No",
                    "DidHave notall askextinguishers forand help"hoses been replaced?": "No",
             ],       "Is the sprinkler system back in  "Commentsservice?": ""
 }     ],     "FinalRootCauseStatement": [ 		{       "What is the plant  Temperature?"FinalRootCauseStatement": "condition",
Updated 2",            "PrimaryCountermeasure": "Improving overall virologic surveillance",   "What is the plant humidity?": "",
   "PrimaryRootCause": "Drug or alcohol use"         }    "Post ]
Inspection Details:": ""
            "ActionItems":  	[ 	 },
  { 		   "SourceID": "CA-WESTLAKE-19_20-I-0038",         {
  "SourceTitle": "record test",            "ActionItemTitle": "Test pa",  "Is the damage to the property significant to restrict access?": "ActionItemCategoryYes":,
  "Incident Management",            "ActionItemType": "Preventative Action",   "What steps are being taken to ensure no unauthorized access?"ActionItemDescription": "",
              "ActionItemPriority": "Reg 1921"},
           "ActionItemDueDate": "2020-04-16T00:00:00.000Z",
          "Owners": [         "Is the damage significant enough to create a security risk to the facility?"John: Smith"Yes",
                    "RajeshPlease Hota"describe what steps are being taken to secure the area?": ""
      ],          }
 "ResponsibleDepartment": "19.1 Bu Type",            "CounterMeasure": "",],
            "ApplicabletoExpansionContributingFactors": "",[
           "DescriptionofActionstobeExpanded": "",    {
       "ApplicabletoEEMEPMInfo": "",            "EEMEPMContributing Factor Type (Parent)": "",Computer or IT  Theft",
       "EEMEPMInfoSubmitted": "",            "DocumentNumberContributingFactors": "",[
           "AssignedBy": "Vinay Eppalapelly",           "Computer Theft"VerificationRequired": "No",
              "ActionItemStatus": "Open",     ],
      "ActionTaken": "",              "ActionItemCompletedByComments": "",
               "CompletedDate": null, }
           "DueDateExtension": "", ],
            "RequestedDueDateExtensionwhymethodology": null[],
            "ReasonforDueDateExtensionRootCauseAnalysis": ""[],
            "DueDateExtensionRequestApproved?FinalRootCause": "[]
           "ReasonfornotextendingtheDueDateActionItems": ""[],
	]	"ManagementReview": []

JSON Field Mapping with respect to Application Fields :
