Audit Stories
PMP-97894 As an Admin I want to have Lock Audit setup fields in Insight Model
PMP-97895 As an Auditor I to know Questionnaire lock and Audit Lock status by Program in Insight
As an Admin I want to have Lock Audit setup fields in Insight Model
Included ‘Lock Questionnaire Response based on Program Status Lock Questionnaire’ and 'Lock entire Audit Program based on Program Status Audit Closed' under Program Details to display the values Yes and No based on the user selection in the Program Details screen in the application.
Audit Management Package > Audit Program Details > Program Details > Audit Program Details
As an Auditor I to know Questionnaire lock and Audit Lock status by Program in Insight
Included ‘Is Audit Program Locked’ and ‘Is Questionnaire Locked’ under Audit Status to define whether the Audit and Questionnaire is Locked or Not Locked.
Audit Management Package > Audit Program Details > Audit Status
Foundation Stories
PMP-98730 Manage role and permission status based on new status
Manage role and permission status based on new status
Now user can view the updated information if any change to the Role permission, the specific Role permission will get updated in the application, the same can be viewed from the below fields in the Permission Information.
Foundation Package > Setup > Security > Roles
PMP-98788 - BI Cognos - Changes to add 2 new severity fields in the model
PMP-99169 - Changes to include incident status in Cognos
PMP-98788 - BI Cognos - Changes to add 2 new severity fields in the model
Goal : To be able to drive incident investigation requirements based on an incident's severity
Incident Severity Fields have been added to IMS package, please find the screenshot for same
Note:- We have hidden Severity field has been hidden from Near Miss as from new field we can get Near miss Severity and it is duplicate information, we hidden field so we will not have any impact on existing reports if anyone Neamiss Severity field in Reports
PMP-99169 - Changes to include incident status in Cognos
Goal : Ability to set the status of an incident to close
Incident Closure Status field has been added under Incident Details → General Incident Details → Incident Closure Status