New and Improved Features
Incident Management System
- MP-3989, MP-3994, MP-3995 As an end user should be able to see Draft Incidents in MobilePro
- MP-3993, MP-4001 Add "Agency Notified" question in MobilePro PD Reporting screen with Configuration
- MP-3358, MP-3999, MP-4000 As an Admin should be able to hide Work shift field in Near Miss reporting screen
- MP-3871 : Bulk Select At Risk ,At Safe , NA ,Feedback provided,comment for behaviors in peer to peer observation
- MP-3976 : Auto-populate Report by Name in Observers
- MP-3934: Individual Observed to be made mandatory / non mandatory configurationally.
Audits :
- MP-3977:Provision of assigning default responses for questions in audits
App Builder:
- DAP-1018 - Support for Section-Level permissions managed within the form builder
- DAP-1017 - Support for Record-Level permissions managed within the form builder
MP-3967, MP-3980 As an End user of Mobile Pro I would like to have Push notification when an Incident is created
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not show any notification when a Incident is created from Mobile Pro
- Keep stakeholders informed when an Incident is created
Enhanced System:
- Sends a push notification to all users configured as part of "Detail report completed" event, immediate notification (Supervisors excluded because device is tagged to Users not Employee)
- All filters in the Detail report completed event is considered to trigger the push notification
- Notification expires in 24 hours
- Notification Format: <User Name> created <Incident Type> Incident. <Incident ID> | <Incident Title>
- Navigates to the Incident list screen and highlights the Incident when clicked on the respective push notification
- If the Incident is not from navigated location, displays an alert to change the location
- Notification works even if the App is not active, App is running in background, user is not logged-in
- In case of Offline below behavior is applicable
- If Incident Creator is offline the notification will be pushed to recipients when the Incident is synced
- If the recipient is offline when the notification triggered, it won't appear for them next time they come online
- If user is logged in on multiple devices simultaneously, notification is pushed to all devices
- If user loges-in in another device later, notifications will be displayed in all devices moving forward
- Notification would be pushed for only the Incidents created from MobilePro except for Near Miss incidents
Impacts: None
MP-3989, MP-3994, MP-3995 As an end user should be able to see Draft Incidents in MobilePro
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not display Draft Incidents in MobilePro
- Provide ability to access Draft incidents created from Web in MobilePro and update it
Enhanced System:
- Displays draft incidents created from Web in Mobile Pro IMS Incident List screen.
- Users can update the Incident
- Option to create Draft Incident from Mobile Pro is in roadmap
Impacts: None
MP-3993, MP-4001 Add "Agency Notified" question in MobilePro PD Reporting screen with Configuration
Configurable: Yes
- Title: PD - Agency Notified
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- Does not have Damage Summary section in Mobile Pro
- Be consistent with Web as now the field has a configuration to make it mandatory
Enhanced System:
- Shows Damage Summary section with only "Agency Notified" field for Property Damage Incident
Impacts: None
MP-3358, MP-3999, MP-4000 As an Admin should be able to hide Work shift field in Near Miss reporting screen
Configurable: Yes
- Title: NM - Work shift
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: Disabled
Existing System:
- In existing system Work Shift/ Job Shift is a mandatory field in general details of Near Miss reporting screen
- For other incident types Work Shift/ Job Shift has configuration to show and hide
- Have a configuration so that it is consistent with other Incident types
Enhanced System:
- Has separate configuration to hide work-shift field for Near Miss Incident type
Impacts: None
BBS MP-3871 : Bulk Select At Risk ,At Safe , NA ,Feedback provided,comment for behaviors in peer to peer observation
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Bulk select option would appear in peer to peer observation
Existing System: User need to manually mark one or number of behavior individually as At risk ,At safe ,feedback given ,na and entered comments individually
Purpose :Its tedious and time taking to enter these information individually for all behavior when the behavior count is more
Enhanced System:
- New section for Bulk select for "At Risk , At Safe , Feedback given ,comments ,NA" added to peer to peer observation
1)Bulk Select -Drop down
- Select - default on page load .No action linked to it
- Safe - will mark All behavior as Safe
- At Risk - will mark All behavior At Risk
- NA - will mark All behavior as Not Applicable
2)Bulk Feedback - Checkbox
- On selecting the checkbox and clicking on apply , Feedback given for all behavior gets checked
3)Common Comment - Comment box
- Bulk comments for all behavior would get updated on entering comment and clicking on apply
- Apply - It will bulk apply the actions on the behavior
- Reset -On clicking Reset button ,the page resets to default page load
Impacts : None
New section for bulk selection in peer to peer observation
BBS MP-3976 : Auto-populate Report by Name in Observers
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Report by name to auto populate observers users name
Existing System: Report by name field value didn't appear in Observers field
Purpose :Person creating observation is mostly assumed to be an observer ,hence its relevant to display the report by name in observer field
Enhanced System:
- Report by name would appear in observer field when Observer type is user
- If Observer type is selected as Employee ,then Report by name would not appear in Observers field
Impacts : None
Report by name in Observers field for Group Observation
BBS MP-3934: Individual Observed to be made mandatory / non mandatory configurationally
Configurable: Yes
- Title: IsIndividualObservedPicklistMandatory
- Public / Private: Public
- Default: Mandatory
Existing System: Individual observed in Group Observation is mandatory in the existing system
Purpose : Some of the customers want it to be mandatory and some non mandatory
Enhanced System : This field is made configurable to make it as mandatory or non mandatory
Impacts : None
MP-3977 Provision of assigning default responses for questions in audits
Configurable: Yes
- Title: Enablequestionleveldefaultresponses
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: Mandatory
Existing System:
- Currently there is no provision of setting up default responses by audit questions.For example ,if there are 10 audit questions in a protocol then via the existing custom settings we can set up a default response for all the questions.There cannot be different default responses by audit question.
Purpose :
- To allow users to define certain responses as default.
Enhanced System :
- If any response is set as default then the same will be selected in default in the questionnaire.
MP-4244 Provision of displaying finding action items also in the questionnaire icon in sync with Web(colour and action items display)
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- If any user created a finding level action item from web the colour of the icon of action item does not turn into green colour.The icon colour turns green only for a question level action item.For web ,however ,even for a finding level action item the colour used to turn green
- This resulted in usability issue.
Purpose :
- To maintain consistency between the web and mobile functionality.
Enhanced System :
- In the enhanced state the icon for finding will turn green even for a finding level action item,when created from web or from mobile.
DAP-1018 - Support for Section-Level permissions managed within the form builder
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: This feature is available only in web application and not in mobile.
Purpose : To provide ability to user to configure permissions for individual sections.
Enhanced System : A user would be able to configure actions based on role for a particular section. Once this is configured in web (Form Builder Screen), the mobile app would also reflects the actions and have the consistency with web interface.
Impacts : None
DAP-1017 - Support for Record-Level permissions managed within the form builder
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: This feature is available only in web application and not in mobile.
Purpose : To provide ability to user to configure permissions at a record level.
Enhanced System : A user would be able to configure actions based on role at a record level. Once this is configured in web (Form Builder Screen), the mobile app would also reflects the actions and have the consistency with web interface.
Impacts : None
MP-4254 - Handle the Force Kill Attachment Scenario.
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: In some of the iOS devices iOS and Android can decide to force close our app when minimized during Sync.
Purpose : To handle the force close scenario for iOS and Android devices
Enhanced System : This will also handle the scenario where iOS decides to Kill our App when the user minimizes our App during the sync.
Impacts : None