New and Improved Features
Product Level change
- None
DAP-2011 User would like to configure Incident and Audit Findings as system data sources to forms in app builder
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- When Management Review is rejected by a Role system does not trigger any notification to stake holders
- When Management Review is rejected by a Role system does not take the flow back to previous step
- Intimation Notification does not include Comments provided at time of Approval/Rejection
- Keep all stake holders informed in case of rejection and take the process to previous step for required action
Enhanced System:
- When a role Rejects Management Review, previous Management Review role (where status is Complete) status will be set to Re-Open
- The Re-Open status is not available for manual selection
- Intimation Notification will be triggered for owners of previous role
- If Management Review is rejected by the 1st role then notification would be triggered to Investigation Team by default
- If current Role status is "Reopen", the owner of next role should not be able to perform management review irrespective of mandatory or optional i.e. hide Save button for the next role.
Impacts: Reports