Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Occupational Health menu item.
  3. Click on the Appointment Central menu item.

  4. At the Respective Appointment, Click on the Ellipse() icon.

  5. Click on the Create an Encounter button.

  6. Click on the Yes button.

  7. Complete all the fields and click  on the Save button.

    New Encounter Type - Exposure Testing- Blood Analyte Level

    1. We have introduced a New Encounter Type named- "Exposure Testing- Blood Analyte Level"
    2. The Exposure Testing- Blood Metal Level encounter type will have the following two tabs-
      1. Details
      2. Results
    3. The details tab will have all the fields and business rules similar to BLL encounter type
    4. The Encounter Type ID will contain BAL instead of BLL i.e. Location-Year-BAL-Sequence Counter

    Detail Tab                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Results Tab

New Encounter Type - Medical Reports/ Records

  1. In the enhanced system we have introduced a new encounter type named- "Medical Reports/ Records"
  2. It contains only one tab- Details
  3. Following are the fields that will be part of details tab-

    1. Provider Type- it will be a mandatory drop-down field with internal and external as field values
    2. Provider Name- It will be a mandatory text-box
    3. Record Type- (will be same as external medical records with additional values- Medical Assessment and Health Analysis)
    4. Date Report Received - It will be a date picker (mandatory)
    5. Date of Assessment- It will be a date picker (mandatory)
    6. Body Part(s)- will be same as external medical records 
    7. Attachment

  • Work Related field to be added for External Medical Records encounter type in both detail and listing page.

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