New and Improved Features
Product Level change
PMP-56560 - Introduce a system view in home page as "Audit Dashboard"
PMP-57260 - Ability to select Question/Action item attachments in the Audit report
- PMP-64872 - Add the questionnaire completion status flag to the Audit program list
PMP-64609 - Display Audit created by in Manage Audits list along with introducing “My Audits” system view
PMP-64861 - Finding Counts by Month Widget
PMP-64863 - Repeat Finding Counts by Month Widget
PMP-64866 - On Time closed Finding Counts by Month Widget
- PMP-64242 - Restrict creation of action item after the finding status is closed
- PMP-64576 - Deprecate Dynamic Dashboard
- PMP-64579 - Site Walk - deprecating Site Walk module
PMP-56560 - Introduce a system view in home page as "Audit Dashboard"
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not have a dedicated view that shows quick statistics related to audits
Purpose: Create audit statistics system view
Enhanced System:
- Has system view for Audits module showing quick statistics.
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-57260 - Ability to select Question/Action item attachments in the Audit report
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Doesn't show question attachments.
- Doesn't show action items summary and attachments.
Purpose: To improve usability of the report.
Enhanced System:
- Audits Report has the option to include images attached to questions in the Audit Questionnaire Summary.
- Has now the ability to include Action Item Summary with images.
- Make the entire report consistent in displaying images.
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-64625 - Provide flexibility to select Lead Auditors and Audit Team Members in Basic Program Details Screen
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not auto populate driver information. There is no linkage between Employee and Driver information
- Reduce manual data entry by making use of Driver information available in Employ Profile
Enhanced System:
- Auto populates driver related information available in Vehicle Incident Summary section based on selected employee profile
- Licence number, Issue State and Expiration Date field are defined as Privacy field
- Licence number field value will be always encrypted so no one can view it (same as SSN field)
- State and expiration date fields data will be visible based on new permission defined in Role >>Location Administrator >> Employee setup (View Privacy Field, Edit Privacy Field)
- IMS Field level permissions for Driver's Licence Number is deprecated
- Length of Service field Year and Week field data will be populated after calculating the same based on date available in Employee Profile
Impacts: Mobile Pro, Feed (To be updated based on need)
PMP-63155 As an end user from US location I do not want Start Date of LT/RD to be counted if it is same as Incident Date
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Counts case days including Incident date (if selected as case start date). However OSHA says that Incident Date should not be counted as LT/RD day
Purpose: To be aligned with OSHA guide lines for US locations.
Enhanced System:
- While it will allow to select Incident date as Case Start Date, it will ignore while counting case days for US locations
- This is done because in other countries Incident date is required to be counted in Case Days
- This business rule is added in Help Text
Impacts: No Impact to existing data
PMP-61460 As a System admin I would like OSHA counts updated when Nature of Injury/Illness Category is updated
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Does not update OSHA 300 log counts for existing Incidents when category is updated for a Nature of Injury/Illness look up value and it is already used in an Incident
Purpose: Avoid mismatch in count
Enhanced System:
- If category is updated for a Nature of Injury/Illness look up value and it is used in an Incident, system will provide below options
- Update All Incidents
- Update Current Year Incidents
- Cancel
- This is applicable for inactive look-up values as well which is associated to an Incident
Impacts: No Impact to existing data
PMP-63224 As an end user should not see records in List screen without view permission
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Displays records in Case Management, Claims and Management Review list screens even if user does not have view permission for that Incident Type
- As the list screen has most of the fields available as column, users can view all those information without view permission for that Incident Type
- Enhance the data security and align data display with permission
Enhanced System:
- Displays records in respective list screen based on logged user's view permission for the Incident Type
- Case Management List screen - View Case Permission
- Claims List screen - View claim, View Cost & Notes and View Adjuster notes permissions
- Management Review List screen - Edit/View Management Review permission
- In case of integrated Incident, record will not show if user does not have view permission for all the involved incident.
- Screens like Metrics, Dashboard, Widget etc will display Incident Count irrespective of logged-in user's permission
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-63857 As an end user I would like to get Mobile Push notification for Incident created from Web for any Incident Type
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Sends a push notification in Mobile Pro App on Detail Report Created event only for Incidents created from the Mobile App
- Only for Near Miss incidents Push notification is sent irrespective of Mobile or Web
- Extend Push notification feature for Incidents created from Web as well
Enhanced System:
- Sends push notification in Mobile Pro for all Incidents created from Web
- No change to existing functionality
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-64056 As an end user I would like to map Incident Action Item to Investigation Root Cause
Configurable: Yes (in Action Item Configuration)
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Hidden
Existing System:
- Does not provide ability to map Action Items to Investigation Root causes
- Cannot identify which Action Item is created for a certain Root Cause
- Provide ability to map Action Items to Root Cause
Enhanced System:
- Has a Auto Complete field in Action Item detail screen where user can select multiple Root Cause that relates to the Action Item
- Display only Root Causes identified for that Incident as selection options
- If Root Cause section is not complete, the field in Action Item details screen will be blank
- If a Root Cause is mapped to an Action Item, it cannot be unchecked from Root Cause Analysis screen
- The field is also available in Manage Action Item list screen in IMS module for selection in view
- Not included in Default view
Impacts:Report Central, Cognos, Mobile Pro (20.1)