New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- PMP-89443 - CAPA escalation set up at the corporate level
- PMP-94008 - Task management location assignment improvisation
- PMP-94062 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action items by status widget
- PMP-93927 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action item on the time closure rate widget
- PMP-93925 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action Items by module widget
PMP-89443 - CAPA escalation set up at the corporate level
Configurable: Yes
- Title:
- Public/Private:
- Default:
Existing System:
- No option to set the company-wide CAPA escalation process
- Company-wide CAPA escalation process to maintain uniformity of escalation
- To ensure a transparent and effective CAPA escalation process
Enhanced System:
- Provided the option to set CAPA escalations at the corporate level
- Option to set escalations based on reminder or alert
- Option to set escalations based module(s), single or multiple modules
- Option to set escalations for the owner(s), supervisor(s), or supervisor's supervisor.
- Option to set escalations for a particular or multiple group of users
- Option to set escalations for specific users
- Option to set escalations for external users not part of the application or organization
- Summary email based on the recipients, instead of individual emails.
- Configuration to consider the number of days dueCAPAs for notification.
- e.g. The organization has due CAPAs for more than 90 days, but it wants to send the notification only for CAPAs due in30 days
- Configuration to consider the number of days overdue CAPAs for notification.
- e.g. The organization has overdue CAPAs for more than 90 days, but it wants to send the notification only for CAPAs overdue for 30 days
Use case of a corporate-level escalation.
- The organization wants to send a reminder to the CAPA owner before 5 days of the due date
- The organization wants to send a reminder to the CAPA owner's supervisor before 3 days of the due date
- The organization wants to send a reminder to the CAPA owner's supervisor's supervisor and senior management group on the due date
To achieve the above use cases, three escalation setups can be set, as below
- A reminder escalation is set with Type as Reminder, First Reminder Date as 5 days, Modules as required, Notify Owner as Yes
- A reminder escalation is set with Type as Reminder, First Reminder Date as 3 days, Modules as required, Notify Supervisor as Yes
- A reminder escalation is set with Type as Reminder, First Reminder Date as 0 days, Modules as required, Notify Supervisor's Supervisor as Yes, Notify Group as required
The same can be done for Alerts, as per the business need.
Note: Make use of the configuration for the number of days the email engine will consider for due and overdue notifications. This will reduce the risk of Email flooding.
PPMP-94008 - Task management location assignment improvisation
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Allows creation of a task with Draft status for all the selected locations, this leads to navigating to each location to approve the task individually.
- Can't select owners or groups based on the locations selected to create the task.
- Only allow the creation of tasks for all selected locations with the status "Enabled"
- Allow to select owners and groups based on the locations selected
Enhanced System:
- Moved the "Add to Other Location(s)" option before the "Assigned To" field
- Display owner and group based on the location selected for creating the task
- Display location information in the group picklist to avoid duplicate name ambiguity
- Display message for changing the status to "Enabled" automatically with the selection of Add to Other Location(s) option
- Don't allow to change the status to "Draft", if the option "Add to Other Location(s) is selected.
Impacts: No Impact
PMP-94062 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action items by status widget
PMP-93927 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action item on the time closure rate widget
PMP-93925 - As an end user, I want a custom date range filter value in the action Items by module widget
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- There is no option to select a filter with a custom range of date
- To view data based on a custom range of date
Enhanced System:
- Added option to select a custom date range
- Option to select the future date using the custom date range
Impacts: No Impact