New and Improved Features
- MP-896 As a user of Mobile IMS I want to create a New Environmental incident
- MP-908 As a user of Mobile IMS I want to create a new Property Damage incident
MP-866 As a user I want to be able to report a combination of incident types and easily navigate through capturing the details of selected Incident Types
- MP-833 As a user of Mobile IMS I want to add an attachment to an Incident from Summary Screen
- MP-867 As a user I want to have the option to add an attachment specific to WCC identified from Injury / Illness Incident report
- MP-1033 As a user I want to convert an existing Near Miss Incident to a different Incident Type
- MP-2709 Make OSHA amputation field Mandatory and remove default selection (PMP-41281)
- MP-2807 Add a Text Area dependent on Offsite treatment field in Incident reporting screen (PMP-44744)
- MP-2723 Add Name, Title Phone number field as Mandatory in Claim form (PMP-6498)
- MP-2710 As an end user I want to see full department hierarchy of selected department in application (45251)
- MP-2722 Change in logic for saving and displaying Time data in HH:MM Format (PMP-42754)