New and Improved Features
Product Level
PMP-75034 Unable to view excel files in Manage Chemical Upload screen
Customer Specific
PMP-76062 Request to make some fields non mandatory.
PMP-75034 Unable to view excel files in Manage Chemical Upload screen
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: View Excel files
Existing System:
- In Manage Chemical Upload screen when the user is trying to access the linked excel files for the Chemicals uploaded, the system throws a 404 error message
- Technical design flaw
Enhanced System:
The system would retrieve the data from the excel and saved to the system upon clicking on the save button after imported the chemical file
Existing Data: Will not be able to retrieve the files .Customer need to provide the files for existing data .Will not be a prob for new records
- Impacts: NA
PMP-76062 Request to make some fields non mandatory.
Configurable: NA
- Title: AreQuestionsInGADSL&IARCMandatory ,Value : Yes(Mandatory)/ No(Non mandatory)
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: appear mandatory
Existing System:
- Questions in GADSL & IARC are mandatory and are not configurable
- Customer specific configuration
Enhanced System:
- Questions in GADSL & IARC are mandatory and are mandatory / non mandatory configurable
- Existing Data: Appear as per configuration
- Impacts: NA