New and Improved Features
Provision of EPCRA Tier II Report - PMP-3956
- In the enhanced application, all the fields that are required for generating reports with respect to TIER II standards have been introduced in the following screens :
- Manage Chemical-Chemical Details
- Chemical Approval- New Request
- Group Chemicals
- Chemical Ingredients
- Chemical Upload template.
- The new fields that have been introduced in these screens are :
- CAS #
- EHS (Extremely Hazardous Substance)
- Maximum daily amount
- Average daily amount
- Maximum amount in largest container
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Type of Container
- Physical State.
- The TIER II report displays the following information:
- Chemical Description
- Associated Physical and Health Hazards
- Maximum and Average Inventory
- Type of Storage
- Storage Conditions
- Storage Locations
- Reportability under TIER II Guidelines.
- Submission of Tier II form is required under Section 302 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA). The purpose of this form is to provide State, local officials, and the public with specific information on potential hazards and amount of hazardous chemicals at the facility
- The report for TIER II can be generated from Cognos only
PMP-36045 Rename of Quick look up in Chemical Management home Page
- The labels in the chemical home page have been renamed to improve the usability during chemical search.
Previous State:
- The search field for chemicals as well as ingredients were named as “Quick Look Up”
Enhanced State:
- The search field for chemicals has been renamed from “Quick Look Up” to “Quick Look up Chemicals/Ingredients”
PMP-37095 Provision of configuration to show/hide for List of List functionality
- To show /hide the fields related to EPCRA List of Lists based on user requirement.
Previous State:
- The fields related to EPCRA did not have configuration for show hide. The fields were displayed for all US locations.
Enhanced State:
- The fields related to EPCRA List of List have been provided with configuration for show-hide.
- By default the fields of list of list will be displayed. However, if required, the fields can be hidden from all the screens.
- These fields are required for enabling the users to search and select any chemical, directly from the EPCRA List, into the facility and generate report outputs of all such chemicals which fall in the EPCRA List.
- These fields also enable users to identify which chemicals are hazardous and the associated reportable quantities.
PMP-37480 Provision of ability to import chemical hazard information through chemical import tool
- To enable the users to import chemical hazard information while uploading chemicals.
Previous State:
- The chemical upload template did not have column of “chemical hazard” to enable the user to import chemical information
Enhanced State:
- New Column of chemical hazard has been introduced in the chemical upload template. The chemical upload template has been enhanced to allow the user select predefined values from dropdown in the template
PMP-38931 Upgrade of GHS index report with larger images of pictograms
and related texts
- To improve the usability of the GHS index report and to enable the users identify the relevant information associated with the chemicals of their facility.
Previous State:
- The font and size of the pictograms for PPE and Hazard were small as shown in the screenshot below .Hence the users were required to zoom in into the GHS index report for viewing the data.
Enhanced State:
- The fonts across the report has been increased both for pictograms as well as text for enabling better usability.
- Provision for generating report as per the sorting placed in the manage chemicals list has been introduced.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I see these changes?
If you are already a customer of Process MAP, kindly get in touch with your Process MAP account manager.
If you have received this as a reference from your contacts and would like to see our EHS solutions, please send a mail to and our team will get in touch with you.
- Can I find details about these enhancements in the Process Map’s system that we are already using?
Yes, please look in the Help section. In case you don’t find it, send a mail to customer support or get in touch with your account manager from Process MAP.