New and Improved Features
Product Level
Home & Widgets
PMP-70789 LMS Home Page with Widgets
Training ,Sessions & Course
PMP-67558 Add a "Tool Tip" or "Hover Over" for Session and Course explaining naming convention
PMP-66962 Add Employee ID as an additional column
PMP-69517 Assigned to Category Field above Session type
PMP-67080 Change the filter type for Training Completion Date
PMP-66997 Configure Prerequisites for each courses
PMP-69802 Gap : Import template -Single occurence update
PMP-69516 Group buttons in Training List and Session List
PMP-69515 Launch and Resume button in List Screen
PMP-52918 Provision of ability to filter the employees by last name in employee picklist
PMP-54379 Provision of adding score to session and outcome import template
PMP-50457 Provision to increase the duration of courses for LMS from 24 hours
PMP-65818 Training Summary Progress View count not consistent with Session List
PMP-69524 : Select All option Employee in Session Details
PMP-69521 Fields relabelled in Session Details & Course Details
PMP-69522 Certification Expiry Date Changes
PMP-69518 Show/Hide Cost Section
PMP-68115 LMS Job Function -Currently stored in DB as Comma Separate which create issue for BI
Single instance for multiple customers
PMP-71777 LMS-Reviqo User able to view Course & instructor of other customers
PMP-70722 All Outcome statuses to get moved
PMP-70724 LMS Certificate redesign
PMP-67578 Remove Training Form and To times if Delivery Method is Classroom or Instructor is blank
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Only My Training widget for Employee
- No defined view page in home
- LMS Employee Profile widget
Will appear based on the Employee and supervisor login
- No search option - Future version Search will be disabled
- Direct Report counts to be displayed if any .Hyperlinked to My Training and would show the list of training records for direct employee
- My Training (existing)
- Will display the VTA courses of logged in user
- Direct Reportees
- Will show both Non VTA & VTA sessions of direct reportees
- Along with Period filter user can filter by different status
- User can update the outcome for a non VTA course
- For VTA course it will autofetch the outcome
- Training Status
Employee : If logged in user is Employee ,show his training status
Supervisor :If logged in user is supervisor show his Direct Reportee Training Status
- Quick Link
- Quick access to pages based on user permission
- Employee Training Summary
- Show direct reportees training records with highest overdue and open
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impact: NA
LMS Home Page
LMS Widgets in LMS Home Page view
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- No Tool tip or hover over to know the allowable special characters for details and description field in Session detail ,Course Detail , Plan detail
- User unable to identify the special characters the field would take and got the message after entering
Enhanced System:
- Add a "Tool Tip" or "Hover Over" and additional special characters for Title and Description for Session detail,Course Detail , Plan detail
- Applicable screens - Session detail ,Course Detail , Plan detail
- Existing Data: Will show hover over for old records also
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System:
- Employee ID column to be Added
- This would not be in Default view
- Applicable to My Training and Schedule Training List Screen
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: Export to Excel
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: MoveAllOutcomes ,Values : Yes - Move all outcome status , No - all outcome status will not move
- Private /Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- If Employee moves from one location to another ,all his courses doesnt get moved to the other location
Enhanced System:
- Training records will all outcomes status to move when employee moves to another location
- Not applicable for reoccuring session
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Session assigned to Employee, Group and Job function through different fields
Purpose: Multiple mouse click and confusing to users
Enhanced System:
- Assign To field is renamed to Assign To Category
- Assign To Category field is a drop down with values : Employee, Group , Job function
- On selecting the values , the associated field appears as earlier. No change in their position
- Field "Do you want to assign Session to Job function" is hidden
- Applicable to Schedule Training and My Training
- Existing Data: Assign to category will display the earlier values selected
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Training completion date filter showed irrelevant filter
Appropriate training completion filter as per the snapshot
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Single Prerequisite Course can be configured for a Primary Course in Course Catalogue
- For a Session, multiple Primary courses and multiple prerequisite courses can be configured
- No session record created for Prerequisite courses
- Multiple prerequisite courses can be configured under a course in Course Catalogue page
- In Session details , for a primary course we will restrict the prerequisite course selection. Prerequisite course will be a read only field
- Upon a Primary course selection in Session Details ,it will simply auto populate the mapped prerequisite courses and Employee would be completing those mapped prerequisite courses
- If prerequisite courses is not selected for a course ,user cannot configure it in session details . User need to configure it in Course Catalogue only
- Applicable for VTA and Non VTA
- Auto created session record for prerequisite courses . where the Prerequisite course name would appear in the Course field .
* User cannot further add any other course or prerequisite course for this session record
* These records will appear in Session list ,where the course name column would show pre-requisite course name and pre-requisite course column would be blank
- Existing Data: Not Applicable for Existing records as it would mess up the user selected records .Will be applicable for new records
Impact: SOA of My Training and Scheule Training
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- By Occurence outcome update for reoccuring session was not available
- For Reoccurence session for each occurence till date a new row will appear in the import template
- User can update the occurence individually and that would appear in application post import
- It will show the validatation message the way it is showing
- User manually need to update all occurrence in import with score and outcome
- Its creating number of session for each instructor in course its creating new row for each instructor in reoccurence .This is a design flaw .It should create new row for each reoccurence for an employee by course only
- Applicable product levelExisting Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- More counts of button in My Training and Schedule Training
- Import Outcome , Update Outcome and Copy button grouped under single button as Action .
- On Clicking ,it should show all the three buttons
- Applicable to My Training and Schedule Training List Screen
- Existing Data: No change
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User can launch / resume courses by clicking through Course link or through My Training widget
- For VTA Courses : Launch / Resume appears in My Training >Session list > Update Outcome Column
- Non VTA Courses : Update Outcome appear in My Training > Session list > Update Outcome Column
- Existing Data: Will show the action link for VTA and non VTA courses
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System: Employee last name filter added in SOA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User unable to update the score during bulk import of training records
- New column to update score for the training records during bulk import
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Max duration allowed for a course was 23hrs 59 mints
- System would now allow to enter course duration max of 99 hrs 59 mints
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: Session details in My Training and Schedule Training
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- LMS Job Function -Currently stored in DB as Comma Separate which create issue for BI
Comma separated need to be removed
- LMS Job Function -Comma separation removed in cognos
- Existing Data: Display the job functions in insight
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Enterprise Customers
- Title: SingleSiteChangesApplicable , Value : Yes - Applicable , No - Not Applicable
- Private Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- For Single site customer (LMS Reviqo) where each node and its location are specific to specific customers ,there are few fields appearing for all nodes and location .
Purpose: Design flaw .The fields to appear correctly under specific nodes
Enhanced System:
- Following field data will appear under specific nodes only
- External Instructor,Instructor Picklist ,Course Picklist , Prerequisite Course Picklist ,Plan Picklist
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: CustomizedDesignedCertificate ,Yes -Customer specific design applicable , No - existing product design
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Different design and format
- Customer specific design and contents
- Existing Data: If key turned on then all data will display the certificate as per the customer specific design
- Impact: Send Certificate Email
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Session Name field in Session Detail of My Training and Schedule Training are currently not allowing any duplicate entries
Purpose: Specific customers are using same session name in different location
Enhanced System:
- Allows user to enter the same Session Name for different location for Session Details in My Training and Schedule Training
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- The count is training progress summary shows count of both active and inactive records .
- On clicking the count user gets navigated to Session list where it shows only the list of active records
- Training Progress Report Excel and All Course Count count was mismatch
Purpose : Design flaw
Enhanced System :
- Active records to appear
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- User unable to select/assign all employees at a time from the pick list while creating Training Session
- On selecting it shows page unresponsive message
Purpose : As this doesnt use common employee picklist it becomes time Consuming and tedious task and keep showing page unresponsive error due to huge data processing time
Enhanced System :
- New option "All Current Location Employee" in the Assigned To Drop down .
- On selecting this option ,All Employee for that Location to get selected from backend
- User can uncheck the values for "All Current Location Employee" by changing the drop down value to "Employee"
- Product Level Change
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Customer Specific
- Title: HideTrainingFormAndToTime , Value :Yes = Hide in following impacted screens ,No = Show in following impacted screens
- Private Public: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- If delivery method is Classroom or Instructor field is blank ,Training Form and To date is visible
- If delivery method is Classroom or Instructor field is blank ,Training Form and To date is hidden
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System :
- Following fields relabelled in Session Detail
- 1)Relabel Field "Retraining Cycle" to "Recertification Cycle"
- 2)Relabel Field "Training Expiry Date" to "Certification Expiry Date"
- Field relabelled Course Detail
- 1)Rename "Is retraining required for this course?" to "Is recertification required for this course?"
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: NA
- Private Public: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System :
- Certification Expiry Date is now Editable.
- System will validate that Certification Expiry Date is greater than than Start date /End Date/Completion date Retraining cycle
- Certification Expiry Date is removed from Default View
Anchor |
Configurable Setting: Product Level
- Title: HideCostSection ,
Yes = will hide Cost section in impacted areas
No = will display
- Private Public: Private
- Default: Yes
Enhanced System :
- Show / hide Cost section
- Applicable to Schedule Training ,Course and My Training