
titleBusiness Rules for Designated/Non-designated TMS Enabled Department
  1. For the Responsible Department field, if they select a value that is a Designated TMS Enabled Department and saves the details, the following actions will occur:
    1. A read only field called “TMS Enabled Department” will be added, we will show the user this is an Enabled Department Field by showing “Yes” in the field value.
    2. Below that field we will display a second field called “TMS Work Order Number” (only when it is a TMS Enabled Department field).  This will be a read only field because this number will come back from the TMS system in a return file by feed.
    3. The Closure Details for the CAPA and the CAPA will be updated and closed via the Feed
    4. For a department that is considered TMS Enabled, upon saving, we will make the “Responsible Department” field read only since this is necessary for the Feed.
  1. For the Responsible Department field, if they select a Value that is NOT a Designated TMS Enabled Department:
    1. We will still display the field called “TMS Enabled Department” and show the user this is not an Enabled Department Field by showing “No” in the field value.
    2. We will not display the “TMS Work Order Number” field since this CAPA will not be sent over via the feed.
    3. Finally, since this CAPA type is not going over in a feed, we will not make the “Responsible Department” field read only.  This way if they later determine it needs to go to TMS, they can change and after changing, it will grey out the picklist op

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     Remove the dependency of "Others" on "Self" and "Owned" permission for Common Action Item PMP-39983

The application has been enhanced to remove the dependency of Self, Owned and Others permission for Common Action Item.

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  • PMP-38128- Add  Add "Action Item Priority" and "Reference Citation" Column to Action Item Library Bulk Upload Template . PMP-38128

The application has been enhanced to include the following two Columns to Task Management Bulk Upload Template-


2) Reference/Citation

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  • PMP-8632- My

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