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New and Improved Features
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Existing IH widgets consider agents in Sample to show the Sample collected and analyzed
- # samples collected vs. # samples analyzed should be based on the sample number not the # of agents analyzed
- To view the information by agent is redundant for customer need
Enhanced System:
- New IH Widget as Sample Collected Vs Analyzed
- Sample Collected = Not sent to lab + Sent to Lab + Sample Recieved + Sample Approved + Invalidated Samples
- Sample Analyzed = Result recieved + Approved + Invalidated
- It will show 1 year data i.e for Current year or previous year
- It will show the count of individual samples collected ,analyzed for that month of the year
- Instead of agents linked to the sample , it will show the count by IH Log no / individual sample
Please refer the attached snapshot for detail
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: STELBusinessRuleApplicable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Yes
Existing System:
- For certain Sample Equipment types, the selection of Duration Type = STEL in Sample Details defaults value of "Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift" to "Yes" in Sample Activity Details and locks the field for editing.
- For any applicable Sample Equipment type, the selection of Duration Type = STEL in Sample Details SHOULD NOT default the value of "Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift" in Sample Activity Details and SHOULD NOT lock the field for editing.
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Allows to create sample for Sample plans of current year
- There are few rolling plans since last year
Enhanced System:
- System allows to create samples for current and previous year sample plan
- User should be able to select the Sample Plan accordingly from Previous and current year
- SOA Changes PMP-78767 to be taken up in 21.3
- Product level change
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- Mixture result category not stored in DB , hence was not populating in BI reports
- Mixture result category available in DB and in BI reports
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: EmployeeNotificationLetter2Changes , Yes = show following changes , No = no changes
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: No
Enhanced System:
- Rename Employee Notification Letter to Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Notification . Rename changes are applicable to only PDF ,not to Application
- Rename Shift Length to OEL Duration
- In Sample Results Summary table, remove PPM Results and PPM Exposure Limit columns and rename Lowest OEL Source as OEL Source
- Other Exposure Limit References table removed
- Personal Protective Equipment or Controls Used Section removed
- Employee Signature and Date removed
- Header to identify section as explanation of Exposure Categories
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- No way to track the list of user to whom the Approve Sample notification has been sent
- Those info could have been shared through Daily notification or through Immediate notification while approving the sample
- Due to technical limitation system would track only the immediate notifications
Enhanced System:
- New RC Report for IH: Sample Approved Notification
- Refer the snapshot below for filter and report columns
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA