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New and Improved Features
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Product Level
PMP-78003 Show Healthcare provider in Add Independent Encounter type
PMP-77901 Employee Health Record - Add encounterEncounter
PMP-76987 Add record status Record Status for every encounter type or data object Encounter Type or Data Object in Occ Health data model
PMP-72906 Restriction Detail Changes
PMP-72552 Healthcare Entity to be in the module set up
PMP-70050 Performance - Load load employee changes in the Employee Medical Profile
Customer Specific
PMP-73058 Manage Equipments Equipment - Configuration
PMP-58239 Changes to Administer Medication Details Fields
PMP-75195 Work-related incident to be mandatory / non-mandatory configurable
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- In Add Independent Encounter, the Healthcare provider we are Provider currently defaulting defaults to the system-generated user and hiding hides this field.
- Customers need to select the healthcare provider Healthcare Provider values
- Showed appointment overlap message
Enhanced System:
- In Add Independent Encounter will display the healthcare provider, the Healthcare Provider will be displayed, similar to Appointment details
- It will Will load all the healthcare provider Healthcare Providers for that Location
- These This data will now appear in the Appointment calendar Calendar as well
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: Appointment Calendar
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- The Employee Health record BI report have has all the encounter types Encounter Types other than titers Titers and Silica encounter typeEncounter Types
Purpose :
- Missing information
Enhanced System:
- Both titers and silican encounter type Titers and Silica Encounter Types are available in the Employee Health Record report
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System:
- Encounter: Only active status Active Status available
- Soap Notes: No Status available
- Clinic Notes: No Status available
- Appointment: Only active status Active Status available
- Leave: Only active status Active Status available
- Restriction: Only active status available
Purpose :
- Record Status Missing missing and Delete Record status Status missing
Enhanced System:
- Record status maintained for data objects in the model
- Encounter: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Soap Notes: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Clinic Notes: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Leave: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Restriction: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Appointment: Include Active, Inactive, and Delete
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing System :
- No send email There is no Send Email feature available to directly email the Restriction summary of the employee's Restriction Summary to his manager or his team.
- No There is no Print feature available to print and share the Restriction summary Summary report
- To share the Restriction summary information, users would need to search for the specific employee restriction information information in Manage Restriction, select the record, and click on it to export the record to EXCEL Excel. This would generate a excel an Excel report which the user must manually need to attach and send in an email.
Purpose :
- Existing The existing process involves lot of several mouse clicks and the user manually need needs to remove the information/column he doesn't want to to share
- Unable The user is unable to instantly share the customized Restriction summary of the employee over employee's customized Restriction Summary via email or through an organized report format that can be printed
Enhanced System:
For Restriction Summary, have a new option as outlined below
New link for Email -"Email Restriction Summary"
- The links would appear during the edit
- When Clicked clicked, will redirect to a new screen where the user will be able to select the fields ,and configure the email id ID to send an email
- The configured fields to be sent in the Email Summary
- Applicable for all pages to edit Restriction in Module iModule, i.e, Manage Restriction & Employee medical profile and Employee Medical Profile
- The "To:" field in the email would be mandatory
Add Reports
- New link to generate and print reports reports called "Generate Restriction Summary"
- The links to appear during an edit
- Upon clicked, will redirect to a new screen where the user will be able to select the fields
- Generate the report for the configured fields
- The report to will open in PDF format
- No new permission needs to be added .To , it will be tied up with existing the existing Restriction Permission
- Applicable for all edit Restriction in Module i. e. Manage Restriction & Employee medical profile
Separate Interface to configure fields that would go in email /report
- New screen which will appear for email and reports
- The screen to be similar for email and reports .Only difference to be the email configuration specific fields
- There will be set of mandatory fields and optional fields for Employee Restriction that will appear in interface
- Mandatory fields by default would appear checked and greyed out
- Optional field will appear checked in blue .User can select /deselect the optional fields he wants to include in email or report
- Only the selected field will appear in the Restriction Summary Email and Report
- For email user can also select the documents he need to include by category . If attachments available then the associated checkbox would appear checked in blue else grey. User can uncheck the checked ones in blue .These documents will be sent as attachments in email
- If the field has no data and is selected to be sent included in report/email , then in report/email the same field to appear with blank values
- By default all the fields will appear selected
- Applicable for all pages to create /edit Restriction in Module i.e Manage Restriction & Employee medical profile
Same Restriction type with multiple frequency
- User can add another record for the same restriction type multiple times by clicking on Add button next to that record
- It will also show the remove option which when clicked would remove that record
- The multiselect drop down for Restriction type will show single value irrespective of the same records added below . On Removing this from multiselect field will remove all the records of this restriction type below
- If all the records to a particular restriction type is removed then that will be removed from the multiselect
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Employee Medical Profile - Restriction
Generate Restriction Summary
Same Restriction type with multiple frequency
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing system
- Healthcare entity is added /edited in DB .No interface in application
- Multiple TA tickets and inconvenient for customers as they have to rely on PMAP team to add the values
- Healthcare Entity field would be available in Module set up
- Due to framework support and technical feasibility it will be placed at the last in the Look up menu list
- The Details page would ahve following field :
- Healthcare Entity- Free text .Max 200 characters .Mandatory
- Status - Drop down . Active/Inactive values with Select option .Mandatory
- Description - 500 characters .Comment box .No mandatory
Healthcare Entity List screen
- Major Columns with features - export to EXL ,Search and Edit Filters ,multiselect ,Pagination
- Healthcare Entity-Mandatory Column
- Status -Mandatory Column
- Description-Mandatory Column
- Created Date
- Created Name
- Last updated by Date
- Last updated by Name
- SOA Filter
- Healthcare Entity-Contains ,Doesnt contain,Start with ,Doesnt Start with ,Ends with ,Equal To ,Not Equal To ,Is Empty
- Status - In ,Not In
- Description -Contains ,Doesnt contain,Start with ,Doesnt Start with ,Ends with ,Equal To ,Not Equal To ,Is Empty
- Created Date ,Created Name ,Last updated by Date ,Last updated by Name - Refer Analyte Type in Module Set up
- Active Healthcare Entity to appear in Healthcare Entity fields in the application
- If inactivated /deleted it will appear in Healthcare Entity fields of existing record only
- All the existing values in Healthcare Entity to be available
- Applicable to Healthcare Entity fields in the Application
- Impact :Add/Edit Appointment Details , Appointment Calendar, Appointment Details in Employee Medical Profile ,etc
- Existing Data: NA
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Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: changes as per enhanced system
Existing system :
- Employee filter in Employee Medical Profile loads all the employees
- It stores the employee data in the filter affecting Performance
Purpose :
- Performance improvement
Enhanced System:
- Employee Filter in Employee Medical Profile ,User need to enter at least 3 characters and enter for a Employee Search
- Further Performance Improvement : In details screen ,on entering same single or double letter as entered in employee medical profile it will search with the existing buffer list .Else user can enter the three letter to search to refetch the list
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: DB configurable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Time - Mandatory , Frequency - drop down ,Route and Frequency - Mandatory
Existing system :
Enhanced System:
Following fields are db configurable
- General Details - Time mandatory /non mandatory configurable
- On Non Prescribed Medication -Frequency: made as a Text Box -100 /Free text , to allow special character
- On Prescribed Medication - Route and Frequency mandatory /non mandatory configurable
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: DB configurable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
Following fields are now mandatory / non mandatory configurable in Equipment detail
- Supplier
- Manufacturer
- Storage Location
- Calibration Required
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
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Configurable: Yes
- Title: DB Configurable
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Non Mandatory
Enhanced System:
- For "Work related" yes , "incident ID" field made mandatory/non mandatory configurable .
- Impacted Areas
- All encounter types
- Clinic notes
- Leave
- Restriction
- SOAP Notes
- Existing Data: NA