Note: All Due Dates are the Build Date. Those stories will be released to production when the respective build is released.
21.3 Apps Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
- DAP-5798 - Show previously selected values for single/multi-selection controls (instead of blank) when a data source value is deleted
- DAP-6430 - Support responsive UI for App Builder Home, List, and Details
- DAP-6409 - Ability to click and view attachments for a view-only record
DAP-5798 - Show previously selected employee name (instead of blank) when he is moved from one location to another
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when an employee is moved to a different location, the existing record has the employee's name as blank.
Purpose: To ensure that existing record always reflects originally entered employee data.
Enhanced System: User would be able to see,
DAP-6430 - Support responsive UI for App Builder Home, List, and Details
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, we have usability issues when app builder is accessed in browser from lower resolution screens.
Purpose: To ensure that the application is accessible in all devices (Desktop, Tablet and Mobile).
Enhanced System: User would be able to
Impacts: No impact to existing forms.
DAP-6409 - Ability to click and view attachments for a view-only record
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: Currently, when the user has view-only access to a record, he is unable to view the attachment of that record.
Purpose: To be able to view attachments.
Enhanced System: Users would see the attachments when
PMP-78938 : Training effectiveness tab should have "Select" by default
Configurable: Yes
Title: EnableTrainingEffectiveness
Public/Private: Private
Default: No
The Effectiveness Field was showing Effective by default.
Use Case / Purpose: Difficult to identify and pick the employee who would need reassessment
Enhanced System:
The system is showing “Select” by default.
21.3 IMS Micro-Release Items
Product Level Change
PMP-83891 - As an end user I want to see guide about login process to OSHA e-submission API
- PMP-79461 - As an end user I need a way to determine PSM Incident tier based on 3 user inputs and predefined Material spillage range
- PMP-79369 - As an end user I want to have an Roll-up IMS Dashboard (Level)
PMP-83891 - As an end user I want to see guide about login process to OSHA e-submission API
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: To avoid the confusion between OSHA and ProcessMap Credential
Purpose: To ensure user does not confuse with OSHA credentials.
Enhanced System: Two text lines are added in the UI
Impacts: No impact
PMP-79461 - As an end user I want to have updated IMS Dashboard with additional widgets
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: More filter are not available in Widgets.
Impacts: No impact
PMP-79369 - As an end user I want to have an Roll-up IMS Dashboard (Level)
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System: IMS Dashboard does not have widgets specific for roll-up.