New and Improved Features
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Configurable setting: NANo Configuration
Default: Available in Widget Library
Existing system
- Existing system do not have the widgets available
Purpose: There is a need to show a high level information of New Incidents and Recently Updated incidents
Enhanced System
New Incidents
- Display new incidents created based on the options selected in Ellipses
- Ellipses has options to display 5 New incidents, 10 and 15 New incidents
- Incident ID should be Hyperlinked (Display incident Integrated ID)
- Hyperlink should navigate to incident Summary screen
- Display following details of incident in Sequential order
- Incident Title/Site
- Date of Incident and time of Incident
- Incident Type
- Personnel type
- Permissions should be considered while displaying the incidents
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: No
Recently Updated Incidents
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Available in Widget Library
Existing system
- Existing system do not have the widgets available
Purpose: There is a need to show a high level information of Incidents counts for that location
Enhanced System
- Display the counts of the incidents by incident type in that location based on the option selected in Ellipses
- Last 30 Days
- Last 60 Days
- Last 90 Days
- On click of the count of incident should take to incident list screen with selected incident type
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: No
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Available in Widget Library
Existing system
- Existing system do not have the widgets available
Purpose: There is a need to show a high level information of Incidents counts for that location
Enhanced System
- Display the counts of the incidents by incident type in that location based on the option selected in Ellipses
- Last 30 Days
- Last 60 Days
- Last 90 Days
- On click of the count of incident should take to incident list screen with selected incident type
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: No
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- User can submit OSHA 300A using a CSV or physically print the OSHA 300A report from our system
Purpose: To give the user flexibility to submit the OSHA 300A report using an API
Enhanced System
- User able to submit the OSHA 300A using API integration from our system
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data:
- Impact: No
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- In OSHA 300A when allow roll up is selected as "Yes", "Annual Average number of employees" and "Total hours worked by all employees" fields data for selected locations is not displayed. Fields are shown blank
- "Number Of Cases","Number Of Days" and "Injury And Illness Types" sections are not displayed at all
Purpose: To give the user flexibility to submit the OSHA 300A report using an API, while submitting user can view what are the values which are submitted through API
Enhanced System
- The page will refresh once user comes back to screen after selecting the location and the focus from the field is changed
- If user selectes another location after changing data in the screen, the data will be refreshed
- The page refresh functionality on Year change will remain as it is i.e. if year is changed then page will refresh and all modification made by user in the screen would be gone, page will display the saved data, if any else blank fields.
- Data save functionality will be as it is i.e. save on Generate CSV or Submit Using OSHA API button click
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data:
- Impact: No
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- User can submit OSHA 300A using a CSV or physically print the OSHA 300A report from our system
Purpose: To give the user flexibility to submit the OSHA 300A report using an API
Enhanced System
- User able to submit the OSHA 300A using API integration from our system
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data:
- Impact: No
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- Existing system has the flexibility to import count and hours of Employees and supervised contractors only
Purpose: To Upgrade existing Hours and Counts Import tool to accept unsupervised contractors counts and hours
Enhanced System
- Import Template has been extended to import counts and hours of Unsupervised contractor employees also
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data:
- Impact: No
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- State field OSHA 301 is a text field and being auto populated from Case Management > Hospital clinic section where it is a Drop Down field and in back end State ID is being stored
- The State ID stored in Case Management is being sent to OSHA 301, so this field is displaying the State ID in application and same is going to reports as well
- As it is editable text field user can type in any value
- As it is editable text field we cannot fetch respective state name and display
Purpose: State field type in OSHA 301 "Information About The Physician Or Other Health Care Professional" section needs to be converted to Auto Completed type
Enhanced System
- Convert OSHA 301 state field as Auto Complete field so that state id will be converted and displayed as State Name
- Users will not be able to type in random values and would always select values from master table.
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: Data Correction Needed
- Impact: No
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- In Existing system Date field in "Information About The Case" section is showing blank
Purpose: As of now Date field in "Information About The Case" section is not auto populated from Case Management so when users generate OSHA 301 report it shows blank.
Enhanced System
- Auto populate "Information About The Case >> Date field" of OSHA 301 screen. The date should be populated with the date when "Classification of Case" was saved.
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: Data Correction needed
- Impact: No
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- User can not be able to view buttons if he adds number of Why's
Purpose: Currently the header of 5 Why screen is not frozen so when user scrolls down the header and buttons are not visible. If wants to see the Incident ID or Add a new Why user needs to scroll up and then scroll down. By freezing the header Incident ID information will be always visible and user can Add a new why or Delete an existing why even though user is the bottom of the screen.
Enhanced System
- The header in which the Buttons are displayed are frozen in this screen
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data:
- Impact: No
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Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- In the existing system user will not get any alert message when user changes the Status of the claim
- Following are the status available in the dropdown
- Open
- In progress
- Rejected
- Reopen
- Closed
Purpose: User can change the status and he is not able to see any message even the status is not part of the work flow
Enhanced System
- Introduce a Alert message when user changes status
From Status | To Status | Message |
Open | Reopen | You are about to change the status of claim to "Reopen" |
In progress | Open, Reopen | You are about to change the status of claim to "open/ Reopen" |
Rejected | Open, Inprogress, | You are about to change the status of claim to "open/ In progress" |
Reopen | Open | You are about to change the status of claim to "open |
Closed | Open, Inprogress, Rejected, | You are about to change the status of claim to "open/ Inprogres/ Rejected" |
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: No
Anchor | ||||
Configurable setting: No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- Existing system wage fields are not accepting decimals
- There are chances for user to enter decimal values
- Wage fields will be populated from the Employee profile and user can be able to add the information
Purpose: There are chances for user to enter decimal values for wage fields
Enhanced System
- Wage fields should accept decimal values in Incident reporting screen and Claims screen
- Current Weekly Wage
- Will accept decimals up to 2 places
- Hourly Wage
- Will accept decimals up to 2 places
- Hours Worked per Week
- Will accept decimals up to 2 places
- Validation: Should not accept more than 168 Hours
- Hours Worked per Day
- Hours worked Per Day is text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is Drop down and max value it accept 24 -
- Change the field to drop down with values from 1 - 24
- Days Worked per week
- Days worked Per Week is text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is Pick list and max value it accepts is 7 -
- Change the field to drop down with values from 1-7
- Number of dependants
- Number of Dependents is a text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is drop down and it accept only max of 10 number value -
- Change the field to a drop down with values from 0 - 10
- Current Weekly Wage
- Custom setting Key Name NA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: No